27 Jun Revolution: Energy Report July
The first half of the year went by quickly, and it feels like we are racing at the speed of light towards the great summer upheaval that will begin at the end of July and continue through August.
The term that best describes the qualities of this turn is: REVOLUTION.
From the end of July five planets will be declining at the same time, which brings a lot of tension, change, dynamic motion and also a great number of possibilities for transformation - if we work with the energies accordingly.
There is a lot of movement in the higher dimensions. The transformation process is accelerating. We witness it here on Earth, too. In the last few weeks, I have been working with much joy with my clients in the Mastery Mentoring Program and in individual sessions, and we have experienced tremendous breakthroughs.
Spiritual entrepreneurs have increased their sales or attracted new clients. Some have dared to successfully present themselves to larger groups for the first time. Private clients have had personal breakthroughs in their relationships.
Especially the clearings are very potent in the new frequencies: In one session only! we de-possessed two powerful black magic entities as well as a dark control group and transcended all related contracts, implants, karmic entanglements and black magic energies.
All clients reported in common: they came to a completely new level and feel totally different.
It is great how we make quantum leaps when we dare to take a single step and become active. The energy flows organically and we can move forward very quickly with joy and ease right now.
Let's look at this in the context of the lunar cycle and the planets:
July 13: Full Moon and Supermoon at 8:38 pm CET (UTC+1)
One speaks of a Supermoon, if the moon is in or near the closest point to earth (perigee) of its orbit during the full moon phase. The reason for this is the elliptical orbit. When the Moon is this close to earth and a full Moon at the same time, it is called a Supermoon.. Wenn der Mond so nahe an der Erde und gleichzeitig ein Vollmond ist, spricht man von einem Supermond.
This is a good opportunity to transcend patterns, programming and old belief systems.
July 28: New Moon at 7:54 pm CET (UTC+1)
On July 28th there is a New Moon and at the same time Jupiter turns retrograde. Intense and mind-expanding energies are to be expected. Read more below at "Declining Planets JUPITER" and find out which topics to focus on, so that the start into the "revolution phase" succeeds.
JUPITER: July 28 until November 24, 2022
Re-evaluate plans & beliefs, let go of expectations.
Review and clear old beliefs and patterns.
Have you not unfolded your full potential yet? Are you settling for less instead of acknowledging and integrating your divine self?
Trust more in your own potential. If you don't know it yet, get competent guidance for its unfolding. This is an ideal time for great growth and expansion on all levels – make use of it!
The freedom codes want to be expressed: where are you not yet free inside? It is time to release all limitations on the deepest level.
CHIRON: July 19 until December 23, 2022
Great Opportunity for deep inner healing processes. Also a good opportunity to receive clarity that our strongest pain points in life hold our greatest treasures ~ recognize one's own abilities and strengths in them. These potentials can then be lived.
Mindfulness: sudden and immediate emotional outbursts can sometimes be unsettling or irritating, especially if you don't have much experience with emotional clearing or are newly awakened. Seek professional help if necessary.
Lightworkers are stabilizing the field by staying calm and balanced.
Healers and therapists: pay attention to the psychological fallout of clients. Be wise in choosing where to invest your life force.
PLUTO: April 29 until October 8, 2022
Pluto turned retrograde on the 29th and supports us to go into the deepest areas of our inner world and the unconscious levels. As all supposed security structures break away on the outside, only on the inside we can find or strengthen our true integrity, our balance and our peace, as well as access to our primal power and our self-trust.
The theme of power, powerlessness and self-empowerment will play a central role in the coming weeks.
Pluto holds the energy of transformation and power as well as destruction and regeneration. Where do I allow change in my life? Power struggle between those who hold on to old control-structures and those who want to live the freedom-codes.
Examine your own attitude towards 'power'. Radical honesty allows deep insights into your subconscious. Letting go of old victim structures and accepting your own power provides space for the next step of self-empowerment.
A( Attention: The 'ostrich mentality' is gonna play out bigtime in 2022 and so is resintance to do inner work. The consequences will be VERY uncomfortable.
B) On the other hand, focus for inner work and courage to take the next step on the path is STRONGLY SUPPORTED by the higher beings.
CHOOSE WISELY between A and B!
Suppression of deepest desires and needs. Anger and aggression towards self as well as self-harm and self-hatred. Possible aggression against others.
Increased mindfulness in the outside world, the reactions of fear-triggered people are often unpredictable.
SATURN: June 4 until October 23, 2022
Saturn asks us to focus on the essentials in life, otherwise we may perish. Saturn also gives us more strength without feeling overwhelmed.
It will be very turbulent with regard to the global financial system.
Intensification of fears, guilt and boundaries and the possibility of resolving them. Since these emotions can intensify in all people, it is important to be careful and mindful in dealing with them, especially when dealing with authority.
Attention: Retrograde Saturn can strengthen resistance to inner change. ~ Rather work on your own resistance and transform it instead of going into stagnation.
Saturn holds the opportunity to gain clarity on all levels, especially about relationships. Anything based on drama will dissolve. Goodbyes are to be expected.
NEPTUNE: June 28 until December 4
Dynamic revelations and holistic visions.
Forms and structures dissolve as well as illusions. On a deep inner level a real breakthrough of creative originality takes place. Creative processes are particularly fruitful. Phase of renewal.
Pay attention to the shadow side: physical and psychological exhaustion become stronger, as do possible disorientation and escapism from the world.
I wish you a strong and transformational July and
may humor always be with you!