18 Feb Extra-terrestrial amoebas
After the first quieter weeks of the year, although they may not have felt that way for you, the energy is now ramping up.
We will receive the first really big energy boost for 2025 on February 24th when Mars leaves its decline.
The planet Mars embodies courage, strength, activity, action and the divine male power. All of these qualities will support us in the coming weeks in dealing with the shifts and will help us to remain stable and move forward, as we are integrating the new light codes that are becoming available through plasma and Gaia.
To build a new system, the old one must first be completely deconstructed and dissolved. For this we need a healthy male force.
After strengthening the divine feminine power in recent years, it will now be joined by the divine male power in order to restore the balance needed for this often desired huge process of change.
All of this is also reflected on the outside by a rapid increase in magnetic shifts, seismic activities and the collapsing of old structures, which is speeding up.
The multiversal transformation takes its course and Gaia is our linchpin.
Most of the collective has a hard time dealing with this, since they do not have any reference point for what is really happening.
There is a lot of fear, aggression and mental destability in the field as the purging keeps going on.
Due to this purging- and dissolving-process we need to focus even more on aura-hygiene, clearing of the field and protection while remembering our true essence.
Alongside with this expansion, conscious manifestation, attention, wise choices and alignment is key to keep moving forward.
We are now constantly confronted with completely new forms of foreign energies.
We have to learn to deal with it to shine our light and be the wayshower for others.
Some of these new forms emerge in our fields because they lost their old "homes" or hosts which had dissolved in the process of frequencie shifts.
In one client I found a whole swarm of extra-terrestrial amoebas that had been drawn to her high frequency and caused her a lot of back pain, until I cleared them.
I needed to channel a complete new clearing technique for this type of foreign energy.
One thing is certain: as we go through cosmic shift, it will never be boring.
Let`s have a look at the main topics of this year, that have been given to me in my forecast-Channelings for 2025:
- Freedom and flexibility
- Total expansion
- Truth and clarity
- Transparency and revelations
- Health
- Self-care & Self-love
- Farewell & death
- Information/AI and authenticity
- Playful creativity & responsible creation
The message from White Buffalo Calve Woman struck me the most - since she expressed in only one sentence the bigger picture for this year:
"You will walk through the fire! "
How can we do this without getting burned? Total expansion - one of the main topics of 2025 - is certainly one of the top answers.
By strengthening and expanding our field into the higher realms, wich are now accessible, embracing infinite possibilities and by activating our cosmic heart fully, we can find a way to manage the great shifts.
We connect with the kryst field and manifest in an accelerated way. Another key themes are good health & self-care. Here are some suggestions:
- Your physical body has its own consciousness. Communicate directly with it by giving clear commands and say them out loud: 'Body consciousness - relax, open up, you are safe, all is well.'
- Enough hours of sleep in a quiet and dark room.
- Lavender oil to calm the nervous system: smell it, put it on your skin or at night on your pillow for a relaxed night sleep.
- Ionic magnesium helps to release muscle pain almost instantly. Because our body is changing from carbon based to crystalline we can have muscle pain (back pain) when certain frequencies are activating our system.
- If you feel a bit dizzy (if you just received a lot of energy), put your right hand with palm down on the crown chakra for immediate help
- If the dizziness is severe and lasts for several days (and you have had all other causes clarified by a doctor), have your neck and back treated by a specialist for pinched nerves caused by hardened muscles. Due to the great stress, the body often reacts with severe cramps.
- Drink plenty of pure and activated water.
- Vegetable soup without solanaceous herb is great for grounding and supports the light body
- Take a bath with 250 g Natrium Bicarbonat/Baking Soda and 500g unrefined sea salt for max. 30 minutes. Rinse before you let the water out of the bath tub. This mixture is not only alkaline, it 'binds' certain negative energies and helps balance the magnetics in the body. From my own experience, you can do this as often as you feel you need it.
- Foot bath with magnesium salt (D6, Schüssler salt for example) helps grounding.
- Activated charcoal for quick detoxification without side effects. Do not take it longer then a week because it also binds minerals. Make sure you have a mineral source that you take.
- Silk fabric for clothes and sheets helps to balance the magnetics and also neutralizes certain radiation from the ground wich is not supportive for the human body.
- Go outside into nature, especially if you live in a big city (find a park) and go early in the morning or at sunrise. Less people are up and the field is not so loaded with their low frequencies that have an effect on your own energy field.
- Lay flat on the ground in nature to ground and compensate for body magnetism (due to the strong frequency increases we 'jump' between old and new earth, which can lead to physical imbalance).
- Embrace a tree with your whole body or lean against a tree while sitting. Trees are multidimensional beings and balance your multidimensional energy bodies.
And always remember the laughter! Humor and laughter are one of the strongest medicine.