31 Jan Energy Report February
Throughout the month of February, we get an idea of what the so-called lived Aquarius energies really mean in this new age. The free spirit energy of Aquarius supports revelations, freedom, heart-expansion and human rights.
More and more people are awakening and standing their ground, and we will get to see more of this in February worldwide ~ finally. For us members of the Light Tribe, it is about continuing to be conscious and steadfast, anchored in the new Earth.
It is a question of clearly embodying independence and sovereignty without being involved in any type of aggression. Keeping our frequency as high as possible is still our primary focus, from which our ascension path unfolds naturally.
- A whole new layer of frequencies is now available. In my vision, the shifting of the dimensions appears like a beautiful warm diamond-golden viscous nebula, descending and sinking onto the old matrix, transforming it forever. The old system cannot exist in the higher light. It is beautiful to witness the metamorphosis happening in the now.
In addition, we have been under the influence of the declining Mercury since January 30. It is as if a very bright spotlight would shine on all unresolved patterns driving out the shadows until nothing can remain hidden. In particular, it is about the transformation of our victim patterns, about self-determination and foreign determination. I have written about this in depth in the article Sovereignty in the New Light ...
As the Aquarian frequencies are constantly rising we are witnessing further amplification of the totalitarian control measures, as well as an increased clash of views.
As long as we listen to different perspectives and opinions with a wide-open heart, real communication can take place.
However, if, for fear, old rigid ideas are held up and defended with a closed heart, riots and confrontations are increasingly ensued. The bubbles in which many people still live are dissolving.
Many of my clients and colleagues keep telling me how tired and exhausted they are, and how difficult it sometimes is for them to keep their light body in balance and their vibration high. They criticize themselves and doubt their progress. In these moments, it is important to remember the gigantic scale of transformation we are experiencing.
We should take into account not only the effect of constant light code activations and the alteration of our physical bodies, but also the huge level of stress and pressure to which we are exposed, originating from the fear and aggression in the collective field.
- For Highly-Sensitive, the impact on our light bodies is enormous, especially when we live in big cities and are surrounded and impacted by the field at any time. In addition, some of us are constantly clearing issues for the collective. Depending on our role in this it can be a pretty challenging and tough job.
Our entire energy field breathes a sigh of relief as soon as we go to rural and more solitary areas in nature, where these fields no longer have an effect and, moreover, many people are relaxed, behave accordingly and have also retained their common sense.
Be gentle and kind to yourself as you go through periods of exhaustion, do not doubt your strength and mental health and allow yourself to get support from professional healers and therapists.
If you are already living in a healthy environment and feel an enormous energy boost in February, then use it! Determination and willpower are supported - and these are guarantors for successfully completing tasks.
February 11: New Moon at 8:09 CET (UTC +1) A strong period of rapid change and liberation from the old is expected on the days around the new moon. An effect on the financial system is most likely. 6 planets will be simultaneously under the sign of Aquarius, which is a rare constellation. A similar one with 7 planets in Aquarius was last seen in 1962. It's about independence, reality shifts, dissolving of old structures and seeing the bigger picture.
Use the new moon to review your New Year's intentions. Change them if appropriate or set new ones. Tackle new projects. Be innovative and creative.
Meditate, connect with your Higher Team or use the February energy wave to book a channeling for higher guidance: it's about the BIG vision, far beyond old limitations. Completely new information is available to support the expansion of consciousness for a whole new level of embodiment.
February 27.: Full Moon at 09:17 CET (UTC +1) ~ The energies can become eruptive. Let us keep our focus on peace, calm and balance, and stabilize the field.
The energies in February make quantum leaps possible. They shift our perception of realities. Our healing powers can expand far beyond the previous level. Our hearts continue to expand and for many of us true love starts to overlight everything. This is a major shift away from the old ego mentality, from "what's in it for me" to true respect and appreciation for others. And we hopefully will see more of this.
Carefully observe what is happening, speak your truth loud and clear, stand your ground and hold up your vibration at the highest possible level. Miracles can appear in February when we focus on the highest outcome, on our healing, on our transformation and on our ascension.
All is well,