30 Aug Energy Report September
Since August, and especially since the full Moon on 8/22, we have been experiencing significant frequency amplification. Many people are going through fundamental changes within and on their spiritual path.
September marked the beginning of a turbulent period, as I pointed out at the beginning of the year. This phase will be especially intense at times, as 7 planets will be in retrograde all at the same time (see "Retrograde planets" below).
It is also a time that requires much focus on practical implementation, therefore, we should now be very mindful with our powers:
- How much rest do you need?
- How much rest do you allow yourself?
- What do you use your precious life energy for?
- How much of your life energy is really used toward your highest good, and how much of it brings you joy?
- How much of your life energy is used for the highest benefit of all?
- How much of your life energy brings you the opposite? Change it! Right here. Right now.
A real storm is brewing following the soft summer breeze. Let us get the boats ashore and see what needs to be repaired, renewed, and beautified. Find a safe harbour on the New Earth.
Use this month for practical implementation in different areas. For example, begin new healing processes. Retrograde Chiron reinforces deep work and the results are breathtaking. Accessing previously unreachable levels of our core issues is now possible.
I held VIP healing weekends with clients, during which we worked intensively and multidimensionally to address key personal issues. Wonderful breakthroughs were achieved even for those who came to me for the first time and reported that they had been suffering from, and not able to make progress on various topics for many years. The new energies allow for so much more than ever before.
I am telling you this to encourage you to face your own key issues now. The time has come to finally dissolve the deepest pain and karmic entanglements. This opens up the next level of embodiment of the Multidimensional Self.
The consequences of not facing your core issues, can be clearly seen in the world around you (this is not a judgement, rather, an observation). In Europe, and particularly in Germany, unresolved war trauma is now coming to the forefront.
September is also a good time for physical healing. Detoxification and purification programs can help, as well as fasting and dietary changes. Look into a new form of treatment with a competent professional for chronic symptoms.
September lends support to align ourselves more clearly with the new individual and collective path (unity consciousness). We have decided not to allow our DNA to be manipulated. Self-empowered, we make decisions about our life, its quality, and our ascension. With an open heart, we do not live divided, as seen in our society, but create unity through integrity.
Do not get confused or distracted, even if you still lack clarity in certain areas. The overall energies are very chaotic and turbulent right now. Even to us seers, clear information on some topics is not being revealed, simply because there is none at the moment.
Therefore, draw your focus inwards and keep your frequency as high as possible, as described above.
Focussing on the outside could bring difficulties. Have you ever tried snorkelling in the ocean with strong winds and waves? When do you put your fins on? Do you walk forward on the beach wearing them? You can imagine the difficulty in doing so.
You can imagine the difficulty in doing so.
Or have you tried to steer a sailboat through a storm when the wind is constantly shifting?
In the coming weeks, try not to throw yourself into the swirling chaos, but simplify your life and focus on activities and structures that provide calm, balance, and strength.
This will ensure that your boat does not run adrift or capsise.
September 7: New Moon at 2:52 am CET (UTC+1)
More protests and resistance. Integrity and standing by one's convictions and not wavering. Clarifying energies are strong and promote moving from chaos to order. Practicality is needed: it is a good time to clean the house or apartment, declutter, and begin a fasting or detox week.
Also a good time to delve deeper into the rules of immediate manifestation to actively create the "future" in the now.
Self-empowerment in love is a core theme throughout September.
September 21: Full Moon at 1:55 am CET (UTC + 1)
September 22: Fall Equinox at 8:21 pm CET (UTC + 1)
Flowing transition from Full Moon to Equinox and amplification of energies on the 22nd. This portal has a smaller opening than before and a more specific energy. The chaff is separated from the wheat on all levels. Deep mystical experiences are possible. More about this in the next article.
URANUS: August 20 until December 31, 2021
A laser will be shined on everything old: on outdated structures, belief systems, patterns and unconscious ways of acting. All will be shaken loose. Holding on to the old becomes very uncomfortable. Letting go is a key to maintaining inner balance. The impossible now becomes possible, also, as the activation of the freedom codes increases the longing for independence. Good time for change.
This phase supports introspection and insights, on the basis of which changes are initiated. Therefore, professional projects may become less important during this phase, as the focus shifts to our innermost self. Simply postpone them to a later time instead of trying to push them through with great willpower.
MERCURY: September 29th until October 18th, 2021
Revealing the previously rejected component (shadow) in our consciousness, communication, and interaction with others and with the world. It is a good time for introspection and becoming more aware of your own patterns ... and changing them. With Mercury retrograding in Libra, the quest for balance and equilibrium is strong.
PLUTO: April 27 until October 6, 2021
Pluto holds the energy of transformation and power as well as destruction and regeneration. Where do I allow change in my life? Power struggle between those who hold on to old control-structures and those who want to live the freedom-codes.
Examine your own attitude towards 'power'. Radical honesty allows deep insights into your subconscious. Letting go of old victim structures and accepting your own power provides space for the next step of self-empowerment.
Mindfulness: ostrich mentality is reinforced and can lead to inner resistance to deal with one's own issues.
Suppression of deepest desires and needs. Anger and aggression towards self as well as self-harm and self-hatred. Possible aggression against others.
Increased mindfulness in the outside world, the reactions of fear-triggered people are often unpredictable.
SATURN: May 5 unil October 11, 2021
Saturn asks us to focus on the essentials in life, otherwise we may perish.
It will be very turbulent with regard to the global financial system.
Intensification of fears, guilt and boundaries and the possibility of resolving them. Since these emotions can intensify in all people, it is important to be careful and mindful in dealing with them, especially when dealing with authority.
Saturn holds the opportunity to gain clarity on all levels, especially about relationships. Anything based on drama will dissolve. Goodbyes are to be expected.
JUPITER: June 20 until October 18, 2021
Re-evaluate plans & beliefs, let go of expectations.
Review and clear old beliefs and patterns.
Have you been underutilizing your potential and settling for less instead of recognizing and integrating your divine self? Big expansion on all levels and growth is possible.
NEPTUNE: June 25 until December 1, 2021
Dynamic revelations and holistic visions.
Forms and structures dissolve as well as illusions. On a deep inner level a real breakthrough of creative originality takes place. Creative processes are particularly fruitful. Phase of renewal.
Pay attention to the shadow side: physical and psychological exhaustion become stronger, as do possible disorientation and escapism from the world.
CHIRON: July 17 until December 19, 2021
Great Opportunity for deep inner healing processes. Also a good opportunity to receive clarity that our strongest pain points in life hold our greatest treasures ~ recognize one's own abilities and strengths in them. These potentials can then be lived.
Mindfulness: sudden and immediate emotional outbursts can sometimes be unsettling or irritating, especially if you don't have much experience with emotional clearing or are newly awakened. Seek professional help if necessary.
Lightworkers stabilize the collective field by staying calm and at peace! For therapists of all kinds: pay attention to sudden emotional shifts and outbursts in your clients.
All is well,