Fall: Special Planetary Constellation

On September 29th Mercury turned retrograde. This means that 7 planets are currently retrograde at the same time... we need staying power to navigate all the turbulence that this powerful planetary constellation brings.

Let's take a look at what the declining planet Mercury (from Sept. 29, 2021 - Oct. 18, 2021) has in store for us:

          • Revelation of the disowned component in our awareness, communication, and interaction with others and with the world around us.


          • Good time for introspection and becoming more aware of your own patterns.... and changing them.


          • With Mercury retrograde in Libra, the quest for balance and equilibrium is strong.


          • ... and of course it is advisable to postpone important decisions and contracts until after October 18th.


In the context of the 7 declining planets (you can find the entire article HERE) we see a flaring up of the past and the karmic issues. In several countries, especially in Germany, current events are making us feel like we are back in the 1930's.

Besides personal karma, we also always are influenced by the energies of the country we were born in. This results in certain patterns, which we are allowed to release. In many European countries, especially where the influence of the Catholic Church was or still is strong, a combination of guilt and low self-worth/worthlessness ~ "I am not good enough" is the leading energy.

This can also express itself in overconfidence, insecurity, arrogance, and the coping mechanism of belittling others to make oneself feel better and more valuable.


          • All of this is a combination of beliefs, contracts, patterns and programs that can run very deep. If you have also chosen a family in which these patterns are pronounced, these "shadow themes" will be reinforced. In order to finally unfold your full potential and embody your Higher Self and your I Am Presence, you may release and heal these issues.


Since we probably all still carry these patterns within us ~ in whatever form, strength or nuance ~ I will be focusing on clearing and transforming them in our Global Energy Transmission on Sunday, October 3rd.

In other words: life is currently exhausting enough for us to have to continue to further deal with "the old stuff". Moreover, these same old stories prevent us from going fully into our self-empowerment. Yet taking back our power, mastery and strength is a crucial step for our spiritual ascension.

With the New Pleiadian Lightwork I once channeled a system, that provides very effective clearing techniques as well as supporting our ascension path with as much ease, joy and grace as possible. This system is still effective and crucial and you will benefit from it in the Energy Transmission this upcoming Sunday.

It will also prepare us for the passage October 7th -13th, and the sacred portal of initiation on 10.10., which amplifies the energies of spiritual awakening and enlightenment.

Join us on Sunday ~ be the change!

All is well,

<< Energy Report September