29 Nov Sirian Stargate and house of cards
With a lot of momentum and tailwind we are hissing into the Sacred Season in December.
All plans and projects that serve the realignment really picked up speed again in November. Sometimes the urge for renewal was and is so strong that it can be challenging to cope with the full scope of implementation.
Realignment projects are always about saying goodbye, about letting go of the "old direction" and everything that came along with it. We shake the house of cards, so to speak, by freeing our own card in order to leave the game.
This requires of us to master both the practical and the emotional level. This can be liberating, relieving and creative as well as painful, confusing and exhausting at the same time.
For there are those who don't like it when we suddenly shake the old house of cards.... "What cheek!" they exclaim indignantly and fearfully.
Well, if our card is the one that everyone else relies on, if it is part of the backbone of the construct, it is indeed a „cheek “ to just leave the game ....... namely for the unsteady, the lazy, the addicted and those who simply ignore rule number 1 in the instructions for life "personal responsibility and freedom codes".
And now I'm going to reveal a secret: pulling your own card out of the old house of cards in a self-determined way really can be fun and is on top even environmentally friendly. Crashing card houses do not make noise, do not produce dust and dirt. The individual creative style of crashing of every house has it’s own entertainment value, plus there is no need for bulldozers for the - not contaminated- sites.
When we have pulled out the remaining players can use their cards at any time according to their own ideas and needs for a new building - if they want to.
And we are now free to live by our rule number 1 of the instructions for life to our hearts' desire. When we have finally freed our card, huge energies get available, since we no longer have to stabilize an entire house and follow the narrow minded rigid rules of it’s janitor..... (galactic light cards just do not work in conventional card houses).
What a blessing! What a surprise! A completely new feeling.
Now we can bring our card in, lay it down or let it fly wherever we want. We can try it out, be flexible and agile, a tiny house on wheels, so to speak.
Or a bird's nest: if we don't like the view, we'll look for a different place.
By mid-December at the latest, before the winter solstice, we have a tailwind due to an immense increase in frequency in order to elegantly bring our card to a new place. To a place of our choice. We can surpass ourselves.
Personally, I have had this experience in the past 4 weeks by moving into a new house and relocating my office to another space while continuing my full-time spiritual job, plus dealing with additional challenges which hardly left time for sleeping. Yesterday I was awake for 24 hours in a row to finally travel to my Sirian Star Gate in Austria, in addition to doing many other things, so that our final Global Energy Transmission this Sunday can take place from here this year this year.
How did I manage without collapsing or giving up? I can say that my decisions were crystal clear from the heart. Even if the implementation seemed so impossible in this short amount of time, I did not deviate from my choice, stayed in constant conversation with my multidimensional self and asked for support on all levels. Many miracles happened.
I really gave everything to make things happen, and when it got too wild I laughed about myself and the chaos! Somehow it worked out and I feel surprisingly good. I clearly feel the deep changes at all levels that I have gone through and how the new codes in my physical body and light body are activated more and more.
Courage and aligned action from the heart support the activation process.
The new energies here on the fairy hood are pristine - very clear and refined. They have a whole new nourishing power and immense calm, and radiate peace and balance. The perfect foundation for December with the upcoming energy shift.
All is well. And so it is.
If we fully engage in our ascension path (however it plays out) and listen carefully to our Higher Self and I AM Presence, then everything else on the outside does not affect us any more. Not even all those collapsing card houses around the world.
If unexpected challenges arise, we can remain neutral by observing and evaluating:
„Interesting that xy is happening to me now! What else is possible here?!
We let go of drama and judgment and open the field of infinite possibilities.
The energy boost is there. It supports us. If we hold our focus and give everything by mid-December, we will go well prepared and transformed into Sacred Season. Then we can withdraw from external activities, pause, rest and reflect the year 2024.
And acknowledge what is.
I look forward to seeing you at the Sirian Star Gate on Sunday.
May the humour be with you,
Many thanks to everyone who wrote to us and expressed their appreciation because the ET will continue in 2025. This not only makes me happy, but also my cosmic team. Here is a small selection of what participants from different countries wrote concerning that:
"Hi, great to see the monthly transmissions will continue in 2025. " Anne C., Ireland
"I am so happy that we will still have the chance to continue with the Global Energy Transmission in 2025. I cannot put into words what I receive on all levels. I am very grateful to you Solara. " Petra K., Germany
"I am very excited to keep experiencing the development of the ET in 2025. I found it so profound this year - thanks for everything, Solara. " Carmen M.A., Spain
There will also be the special offers for 2025! We will announce this in the newsletter before the end of this year.
We look forward to you being part of the global group of like-hearted people in 2025 anchoring the light on this planet and embody the change we want to be.