02 Jan Welcome 2025
Sparkling and radiant energies permeate the field alongside many good intentions: take a moment to visualize the best possible year for yourself and everyone. May the genuine desires of your hearts come true.
A completely new frequency band-width has been established since the winter solstice. It is accessible to everyone with an open heart and clear intensions and this transition from the old year to the new was energetically different than previous ones.
It is no longer dependent on a calendar date, as it had already energetically built up before the winter solstice. We can now deliberately explore these new frequencies in the coming weeks and integrate them on a whole new level.
The alternative would be to continue to serve the old field of the matrix and be stuck in the low vibrational collective mass consciousness and the collective field of fear. These outdated frequencies surround the new field like dilapidated packaging surrounds a precious gift.
You decide whether you choose the precious gift or continue to focus on the dilapidated packaging.
Are you ready, especially this year, to courageously continue your path to ascension and let your light shine?
Good intentions only bring change if they are put into conscious action.
photo: Close to the Fairy-Hood on New Years day
2025 - a powerful year
2025 will be a powerful year, bringing with it profound changes the likes of which we have never experienced before.
In my channelings, which I always do at the end of the year, I once again received numerous information and messages from the various Higher Councils of Light.
One of them, in addition to the ones mentioned above is that in 2025 we will have to deal with technology failures much more often than in the previous year. Due to the new frequencies, the Internet, telephones and many other technical devices will "suddenly and unexpectedly" not work.
We will be allowed to learn to adapt to a new way of communicating and connecting. This is also why I developed the Global Energy Transmission format 11 years ago:
A telepathic connection, a strong energy temple that is ALWAYS accessible to participants - regardless of what is happening outside.
The sacred Light Temple is a safe place and holds strong healing energies for you, clearing frequencies, messages, a direct connection to the source and to all the Ascended Masters, Archangels and Higher Councils of Light who are constantly present there for you. It offers you everything you need right now - just ask for it.
You don't need to do anything - don't go online, travel anywhere or call - open up, receive and enjoy. In 2025, this sacred temple will be accessible to you on the first Sunday of every month, even if we have neither electricity nor internet.
Our first Global Energy Transmission will take place on January 5th. from the Fairy Hood in Austria, my Sirian Stargate, and will provide us with a good foundation to start the new year in strength, with a clear focus and in alignment with the higher realms.
The Global Energy Transmission (ET) is entering its eleventh year in 2025! There is a strong core group among all participants, the PIONEERS, who have been there continuously since the start in 2014:
Thanks to you and to all participants, including future ones. We are a powerful group and are constantly anchoring more light on this planet. This solidarity is a strong structure and gives all participants support in turbulent times.
- „Ich bedanke und verneige mich für das letzte Jahr bei dir Solara. Alle Energie Transmissionen waren eine soo grosse Bereicherung. Viele waren sehr tief und ich durfte Heilung, Infos, Licht und viel neues Wissen intregieren. DANKE….. .“ Silke B., Norwegen„
- „…Es ist für mich faszinieren zu spüren, wie sich die ET weiterentwickelt, immer stärker und berührender wird. Ich erhalte wirklich immer genau das, was ich gerade brauche. Sie trägt mich durchs Jahr…“. Petra K., Deutschland
2025 hält neue Chancen und Abenteuer für uns bereit – und ich freue mich darauf, Dich weiterhin auf Deinem Weg zu begleiten.
Sei dabei – sei die Veränderung!
<<<Kartenhäuser, Rückenwind, Sternentor Energie Report Januar 2025>>>