11 Jun Energy update: Summer Solstice & Ring of Fire
We are in the middle of the powerful triple eclipse passage and the energies are not going to step down. The full moon on June 5th was also a Fire Moon. It appeared at the night sky in a magical orange golden color, and it increases in size when I was connecting with it, receiving the code activations. Maybe you had a similar experience.
The amplified photon light of the great central sun is streaming to earth, infusing our planetary field and activating our freedom codes in a very powerful way.
We are now approaching summer solstice on June 20. And on June 21 is the ring-shaped solar eclipse with a ring of fire and it is also a new moon. I saw the ring of fire at the beginning of the year and received the intel that there will be major activations of the ancient sights and power spots all over the globe, combined with major upheavals inside and outside.
- On June 20/21 (depending on your location) in the Northern Hemisphere the sun reaches its northernmost point in the sky, reaching the height of its power. The longest day and shortest night of the year occur on this date, marking the beginning of summer. In the Southern Hemisphere, the June solstice marks the beginning of winter.
The term solstice is derived from the Latin word 'solstitium'. It means: 'sun standing still'. It refers to the point at which the sun’s visual trajectory north or south across the horizon comes to a halt. We can describe it as a balance point of all creation. There will be a strong activation for the whole world (on all levels).
As everything accelerates, dissolves, changes, we are asked to step into our mastery and keep the focus on peace: in every thought, word and action.
During this passage we will also receive a strong activation of the divine feminine energy. Everything is going to expand on 'both' sides. It is going to be interesting to experience a complete new levels of DNA activation.
- You may be confronted already with your emotions that you had looked up somewhere in your body. Be emotional aware: This is a good time to find out what the crux behind the matter is.
Revisit old issues and allow old pain, old grief or old fear to arise. If you allow yourself to look at them, feel them, breath through them and clear any attached believes and contracts, they most likely are not that threatening as you feared they are. You may be surprised how easy it will be to finally let them go.
The solstice energy also shines a light on our value system. We are called to restructure our personal values, not only when it comes to abundance, business and relationships but also how we value ourselves.
- Beautiful soul, take care of yourself. Especially until the end of this month this seems to be crucial. The Pleiadian Higher Council of Light is specifically pointing out that we should take good care of our physical body and not delay important treatments.
Our body needs to be strong to hold the incoming levels of new light. 2020 is an intense year and it is not going to light up. Self care is key to stay balanced and radiate love and peace. This is a 'big' summer for all of us. It is a good time to ask yourself the Big questions. It may be wise to carefully revisit your answers during the upcoming weeks and wait for a better moment to make the big changes.
Dates & Times:
June 20: Summer Solstice peak at 11:44 pm CET
June 21: prenumbral Solar Eclipse with a Ring of Fire
It can be seen as:
- 'ring of fire' in: Kongo, Arabian Peninsula, Pakistan, India, China and
Taiwan from 4:48 - 8:32 UTC - 'prenumbral' in: South-East Europe, Africa, Asia
from 4:48 - 8:32 UTC
- 'ring of fire' in: Kongo, Arabian Peninsula, Pakistan, India, China and
June 21: New Moon at 7:41 am CET
Many Blessings