Roller coaster and cotton candy

The current time feels like riding a rollercoaster.

This ride can be a pure pleasure if you are fearless, laughing and shouting out loud with joy, raising your arms stretched in the air.

If the opposite is the case, if you tense up with your head is spinning, your stomach rebelling, your body overwhelmed, then it’s no fun is at all.

Then you can just hope that the loops will finally end, that you can get off and relax at one of the quieter attractions at the fair.

We used to have a choice. There were numerous fairgrounds with different attractions: A chain carousel that turned quite slowly in circles, a children's ride that literally crept around like a snail and bumper cars that were steered in stop and go mode.

In the current phase, however, we are looking in vain for alternatives, because there is currently only one big cosmic funfair (that hardly deserves the name) for everyone with only one single hyper-rollercoaster that is constantly increasing its speed without a limit.

We all bought our ticket to this funfair when we were born, and we can't exchange or return it - it's valid for life. I can hear the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light laughing loudly in the background as I write this.

The sooner we laugh along as we hurtle through the loops, the more enjoyable the journey will be. Ideally, we laugh at ourselves while clinging to the handhold with streamlined hair, making noises that were previously unknown to us...........pardon me, the light language fell out of the car in the middle of the 222 loop.

The ride has now reached such an intensity and acceleration in this passage that it may be wise to throw all resistance overboard and surrender to the rhythm of the loops: When the pressure and challenges become too great, the only possible action may be to simply be.

If we consciously ask the body moment by moment what it needs to feel balanced and grounded, we will get an answer.

Perhaps it is trust, to find inner balance, stability and peace. Perhaps it helps to open your eyes wide and broaden your horizons instead of squeezing them shut in fear.

Because you can't grab cotton candy in passing if you can't see it.

Everything has changed and is changing - again. We shift, shatter and change our established perspectives. Brand new light can now form within on a cellular level.

Inner Balance and stability, based on trust and confidence, is one of the most valuable skills in an ever-changing rollercoaster ride.

We are all experiencing upgrades on all levels.

The new sacred geometries that we are now integrating into our system are improving and strengthening our entire field and renewing our nervous system.

The fast ride can be perceived completely differently: We can experience clearer visions, the amplification of our higher senses, the recall and activation of new abilities and communication with even higher spheres and beings. (seeHalf way through the dragon year„).

The clearer and more highly vibrating one's own field is, the more pleasantly this journey can be experienced, right up to states of pure bliss.

As we move through the multidimensional shift and we detoxify everything old and distorted both on the physical level and from the other energy bodies, inner calm, patience and peace can increase.

This helps us to travel with ease and grace through August with its increase in vibration and tension and its peak in the middle of the month. There will be enough chaos on the outside, as the vibration will continue to rise.

Revelations are increasing as well as fake news and/or the silencing of revelations in the Muppet news (mainstream media). Overall, we are flooded with (often dubious) information, so confusion can easily occur.

Our minds are often biased and trained to look at everything from the perspective we have learned or to look for what confirms its opinion.

So let's be conscious and not take everything as an incontrovertible truth, but challenge our minds and beliefs. Let us also remember how important “divine discernment” is:

        • In order to keep track of this flood of information, discernment is just as important as very thorough research and a dialog with your own body, Higher Self, Gaia and your personal cosmic team. On the one hand, this means a lot of work and energy expenditure and on the other hand, it means questioning the narrative. Wie ich bereits Anfang des Jahres im Galaktischen Salon berichtete, wird im dritten Quartal und vierten Quartal das Chaos und die Beschleunigung noch weiter zunehmen. Wir brauchen einen Kompass oder einen roten Faden, um auf dem Weg zu bleiben und die Schwingung hoch zu halten, sonst versinken wir im Chaos. Bei allem geht es darum, die richtige Wahl zu treffen, sich nicht von den eigenen aufsteigenden Emotionen leiten zu lassen, sondern immer wieder den Fokus auf den eigenen Weg zu halten. The body and the heart are good guides. (see also Pizza Boreales)


The regularly strong solar flares and the plasma fields released as a result, which flow to Earth, ensure this constant increase in frequency. Our bodies interact with the plasma fields.

In addition to typical physical reactions such as insomnia, increasing appetite, etc., the body can feel weakened and exhausted, while the mind is hyperactive and doing loops. A loop during the rollercoaster loop, so to speak.

If we manage to listen to our inner voice in these moments, we may hear that it is time to take a break, to calm down inwardly. And if we don't listen voluntarily, then sometimes the body will make sure that relaxation is the only option.

Because falling out of the rollercoaster-car/ in the middle of a loop is not likely to be pleasant.

Special planetary influences reinforce the dynamic energies in August. In addition to Pluto, Saturn and Neptune, Mercury and Chiron also go into retrograde. The phases of retrograde are suitable for introspection and for becoming more aware of your own patterns..... and changing them.

During this phase, our emotional body can become a challenge due to the extreme bombardment of the new codes. We can be flooded with confusion, stagnation, “I can't get anything done”, melancholy, anxiety, restlessness and resignation, all at once.

Regardless of which emotion rises up in you: don't let your emotions control you. Clear and parent them lovingly. Remember: You are not your emotions!

Mercury will be retrograde from August 5 until August 28th, encouraging the unveiling of the previously denied component (shadow) in our awareness and interaction with others and with the world around us. It is a good time for introspection and to become more aware of your own patterns and changing them

Chiron, which has been retrograde since 27.7, offers an opportunity for deep inner healing processes as well as the opportunity to receive clarity that our strongest pain points in life hold our greatest treasures ~ recognize one's own abilities and strengths in them.

These potentials can then be lived. Chiron supports us in transforming fear into courage.

Another challenge in August is the low vibrational collective mass consciousness and the collective field of fear. For these two fields are strong and are nurtured daily, and connecting to them is not beneficial at all.

If it still happens: next Sunday, August 4th, I will disconnect all participants of the Global Energy Transmission from these low vibrating collective fields.

Here are voices about the new 'Next Generation Temple of Light' where the Global Energy Transmission has been taking place since June:

“Wow, what an experience. The new temple is so clear and strong, I feel completely renewed.” Bella T., Switzerland

“It is fascinating for me to feel how the temple and the Energy Transmission are always evolving: it is like a pioneer, a sacred space that is always one step ahead and already holds the next divine level. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” Petra S., Germany

I am looking forward to Sunday and to the healing, activation and recalibration on all levels!

Join us: enjoy and refuel.

One question remains open: Would I have bought the lifelong ticket if I had known what I was getting myself into? Anyway, I will buy myself an ice cream now instead of cotton candy, lie down on the grass with it, have a word with source and let her know how it feels.....and listen.

May the humour be with you,



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