From Shasta to the stargate

My time in Mt. Shasta went by so quickly that it seems almost surreal now that I'm back in Berlin. This state reflects the dynamic change that we observe within ourselves on the one hand and that is taking place on the outside at the same time....

Since I was last in Mt Shasta in 2018, as an outsider I could clearly perceive the changes, especially those of the last three years of madness. Everything has changed - Shasta, the village, the people, the power spots, the energies, but I..... some people/things have not.

When I was on the mountain one last time during my current trip, Shasta once again clearly pointed out that we can go with these changes - otherwise we live like in a soap bubble that has fallen out of time and whose world only takes place in this bubble - and does not evolve.

As I predicted at the beginning of this year, the first quarter saw a dynamic acceleration of change. The eclipse and also the full moon on March 25 intensified that, and the months from April onwards will be a particularly intense time..)


We are now already in the passage of the solar eclipse, which will take place on April 8 at 8:17pm CET (UTC+1) / 11:17am PCT.

Many feel called to be in a certain place for the eclipse. However, you can connect with the energies from anywhere.

The eclipse (visible in the US, not visible here in Europe) is directly related to the total solar eclipse of 2019, when there was a clearly noticeable fundamental change - and this possibility exists again now.

At the same time, you may feel a sadness about the losses - just let the feeling be there and let the tears flow. It's a bit of a rollercoaster right now: saying goodbye to the old life and welcoming the new and unknown.

With the total solar eclipse on April 8th, there will be an immense opening of the stargates, in which completely new frequencies and codes will come to earth. On the one hand, this has a very activating and expanding effect on our consciousness and our light bodies - at the same time it causes chaos on the lower level.

The eclipse can be an initial spark for a collective healing - because it brings many insights and enlightenment.

The downside is that deniel and cover-ups are now a particularly big issue, as are the possibilities of false flag scenarios.

Therefore, you need to inform yourself thoroughly (be aware that he internet is heavily censored by now) and train your DECERNMENT and use it wisely.


Almost immediately from Mt Shasta I was called to my Sirian Stargate in Austria: On Sunday, April 7th at 6pm CET (UTC+1) / 9am PCT - our Global Energy Transmission will take place from there!

"A thousand thanks Solara for your work! It has such a great effect! The last Energy Transmission was magnificant, absolutely unique!" I.M. Switzerland“ I.M. Schweiz

It now depends on each and every one of us: Our power and freedom lies in how and what we align ourselves with.

Join a group of like-hearted people on Sunday, April 7 at 6pm CET (UTC+1 - 9am PCT) as you align clearly with the new, release the old, experience healing and transformation, and receive visions and guidance from your cosmic team. (See below for details and registration.) We use the potent energy of the solar eclipse passage to strengthen and realign ourselves for the coming weeks.

May the humour be with you,



Activation from Mt Shasta                                         Pluto auf dem Silbertablett >>>