We have made it through the eye of the needle: the partial lunar eclipse brought a huge surge of energy with all kinds of effects.
Inside and out, the dismantling of all distortions has gathered even more momentum, while at the same time we are receiving wonderful new messages, insights and abilities.
Let's remember: if we want to get through this turbulent autumn/winter with more ease we should stay calm, take a deep breath, not rush into anything and seek professional support for all areas of life if needed.
Our nervous system is currently fully occupied with the photonic bombardment. In other words, our entire physical body is trying to find a way to absorb more light then ever before. This is a full-time job and we need almost all of our energy reserves to cope with it.
How we react to frequency jumps depends, among other things, on our personal vibrational frequency, the degree of transformation (which we have already gone through in terms of our personal issues/karma/distortions), our physical constitution and our willingness to be open and radically honest with ourselves and to look at everything that is still unresolved.
This requires a clear self-assessment/self-reflection about where you currently stand. I
f you find this difficult, then seek a competent external assessment.
What does this mean in practical ways?
Just a little while ago, our energy and nervous system was still able to "get over things that were not quite right". The Pleiadians give us the automobile metaphor for this: if you didn't put water in the windshield wiper system of a car, only ONE single warning light would light up on the dashboard.
That no longer works. Our nervous system is so busy with all the new energies, codes and information that at the slightest "discrepancy" all the warning lights flash simultaneously, the engine quickly smokes, stutters and sometimes stalls.
It's no longer just a matter of topping up the water, but of finding out: is water still the right fluid? If so, which water? How and when do I fill it up? What suits MY car/nervous system best?
It is important not to simply apply the old principles and what we have learned - the new frequencies challenge us to question absolutely everything and to create NEW things.
Self-care is now a priority in order to stabilize our nervous system, and self-care should no longer be seen as just a luxury but as a necessity for the body and mind.
Especially if you are a highly sensitive "giver type" (always putting others first), this is one of the most important issues at the moment.
As this is one of the overriding issues for almost all my clients came up with during the past weeks, here are various tips and ways to help you to keep your nervous system stable and balanced.
Some key questions to help you make wiser decisions:
- Does project xy mean more stress or more joy?
- How does my body feel NOW? Body, what do you need NOW?
- How can the implementation of xy be easier?
- Why am I still doing xy? Is it important for my Ascension Path?
- Is the vibration of person xy still compatible with mine?
Physical remedies:
- Lavender oil for body or fragrance lamp
- Forest bathing
- Gentle massage
- Bath in 500g sea salt and 250g epsom salt
- Peace and stillness
- Lie on the floor with your eyes closed and connect with Gaia
- Solfeggio frequencies.....
Furthermore, disconnecting from the mass consciousness and the corresponding fear fields calms the nervous system almost immediately. Without a balanced and healthy nervous system we cannot function and be at peace.
May the humour be with you,
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