01 Aug The message of the 100 kites
Today at 8:31 pm CET (UTC+1) we experience the first full moon in August. Just like the second full moon (on August 31, 2023 at 03:35 am CET = UTC+1) within this month, today's is a super moon.
It shines so brightly that I already perceived it Sunday night like a glistening light.
The energies of this supermoon are strong.
This full moon, together with the supermoon on the 31st, gives a frame to the fiery frequencies of August. They act like a sacred vessel and form a space in which we can use the wave of change to realign ourselves.
Exciting weeks lie ahead of us, as I had already described in the last Energy Report Details, also in connection with the planetary constellations, can be found here..
The fiery energies of August point us clearly towards our true path and our true self. The time of role-playing and side-tracking is over.
The desire to live and embody this true self also on the outside can lead to impatience and hot-blooded outbursts if the desired changes are not practical to implement quickly enough.
Therefore, patience and inner peace are especially important in this overall turbulent month to keep the balance and to keep your own goal in mind.
Have you already set yourself a clear goal on your ascension path? When do you want to achieve it and how are you planning on doing it?
As announced, I traveled to Austria to transmit the Global Energy Transmission in this special phase from the Sirian Stargate, the Fairy Hood.
When I arrived on Monday, I was welcomed by about 100 birds of prey that circled high above me for minutes and then slowly flew on.
It was an incredible experience! Never in my life have I seen such a density of birds of prey that turned out to be kites.
(The photo on the left is a sample photo. Due to the position of the sun it was not possible to photograph the swarm).
The energy was fantastic and they symbolized important qualities for all of us for these coming weeks.
Here is an overview of the meaning of the Kite as a power animal with the deeper meanings for this phase:
- The kite stands for the ability to step out of the usual earthly perspective with a sharp vision and for seeing things in a much larger context. -> Ending the drama and being in divine neutrality. Let go of judgement. Take this higher view yourself or get this view from the higher perspective through a competent person.
- The necessary calmness and composure is crucial. The Milan thus shows us how important it is to keep the inner balance and to listen to the inner voice, and thus to take the steps on the path with confidence and ease. -> Communication with the Higher Self and one's own cosmic team.
- Kites carry the ability to transform and dissolve things. Only when something old dies can something new arise. The power animal kite reminds us to integrate the wisdom of death and to take it as a natural process. -> Death of the Old Self and embodiment of the New Self. Dissolution of the old programming, and abandonment of the old roles and stories.
- But it also reminds us of self-love and how important it is to draw strength before action is called for. -> Self-love! An expression of this is the omission of everything that is energy-sapping, outdated and no longer necessary. This creates space for pauses with inner vision & self-reflection.
- At the same time the kite is quick in making decisions. It shows us how we can take action at lightning speed at favorable opportunities: no over-thinking, but goal-oriented action. -> Clarity in goal setting with conscious DOING for implementation.
- Furthermore, it is a very sociable bird, which gives us a hint for togetherness and new co-operations. -> Letting go of old connections that are one-sided. Make new connections where love, give and take are in balance. Create collaborations at eye level.
The message of the kite fits the energies of the month of August: fiery change.
Since the group circled high in the sky, it points us to the connection with the higher spheres, planes and dimensions.
There is great upheaval there as well, and we are receiving new plasma energies as well as more parts of ourselves, and abilities based on our origins from the stars.
In this respect I see August as a kind of boot camp in which we get fit to be prepared for the great shifts in autumn.
The equinox in September will mark a first climax. This will herald the phase in which we will engage with the stellar frequencies and our abilities in a whole new way.
On Sunday, the focus will already be on these new star frequencies streaming through the Sirian Stargate. I will make them available to all participants.
I look forward to seeing you on Sunday in the ethereal temple in the light of the stars!
May the humour be with you,
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