2021 ~ Energy Report January


Since2020 and through the New Year brand new energies are available for us. Seeing and feeling them is a truly magical experience. Purest plasma that brings new geometries and a new color spectrum is flowing to earth like liquid starlight. We feel a continuing clarification and DNA activation. We can feel a whole new level of unconditional love.


This love is no longer something for special moments, a concept or an ideal. It opens our hearts wide and brings us the nourishment that is so urgently needed. In times of deep transformation, we all have different experiences.


Many of us have withdrawn from activities and people during the last weeks and are taking quiet time. During our personal retreat we deeply connect with the new level of peace in our hearts. It feels like coming home.


Around New Year's Day the collective exhale of tension and exhaustion was tangible. For a moment it felt as if the whole world relaxed and softened. The inhale brought the confidence and courage to create a new alignment, like a golden shimmer on the horizon.


Let’s honor this moment. Let’s bath for a while in this warm golden nourishing light of joy and divine promises. Let’s fill our heart and expand the beautiful light until it becomes a bright shining sun. Let it shine so bright that we illuminate our whole planet.


In the love, strength and wisdom of who we really are, everything is possible in 2021.


2021 as a whole and the month of January in particular holds the potential of deep self-realisation. The dismantling will continue on the insight and the outsight. January is the time to find your own unique pace. Feel, observe, listen and connect to your I AM Presence, your team, Gaia and the kingdoms. It may be wise to be still and move slowly to let a whole new expression of our life find its way into the light.


Some key dates in January:


Until January 20: New Aquarian Energies are intensifying ~ Wave of intense revelations on the inner and the outer. Prepare to see many surprises and twists. Reality shifting experiences. Stay calm, centered and in divine neutrality. Focus on your vision for 2021.


January 1 – 14: Uranus retrograde ~ Expanding perspectives: What used to be considered dangerous or daring now seems feasible. What used to be reassuring and stable is suddenly considered boring. Uranus in taurus shakes at everything that is too stuck. What do you let go of? On the 14th Uranus goes direct again. There can be tension on the 14/15 of January.


Opportunities: increased intuition, the longing for freedom and independence is now particularly strong, sudden insights to change things for the better.


January 13: New Moon at 6 am CET (UTC-1) ~ The New Moon supports you in letting go of anything that you still need to clear from 2020 and your old life. Refine your vision and put the seeds in the ground. Create your own ceremony around it and call in your Higher team for support. Trust your creator skills.


January 28: Full Moon at 8.18 pm CET (UTC-1) ~ The Full Moon boosts our creativity. Use it to write down, draw, record .... your ideas. Opportunity to catch totally new insights, aspects and ideas. Be innovative.


January 30 - February 21: Mercury goes retrograde ~ Revelation of the disowned component in our awareness, communication, and interaction with others and with the world around us. Good time for introspection and to become more aware of your own patterns.


On January 3rd we had the first Energy Transmission of this year. It was a strong group of like-hearted people from all over the globe and the clearing and recalibration went smooth and quickly. It was wonderful for me to witness that a lot of karma was dissolved and each participant received brand new light codings. Each individual in the group reached a whole new level. In the new magical light, healing can happen in minutes, for which we used to take months, sometimes years. I'm looking forward to our next Energy Transmission in February.


Master: NOW is the time to take a look in the mirror and to recognize yourself for who you really are.


Many Blessings