Energy update January

The acceleration in frequency, energy and time is causing this start of the New Year to be a different experience as you might be able to confirm already.

It used to be possible and even suitable to spend the first weeks of the year with taking your time to plan the coming months, to meditate on it and review it.

In 2025 though we better get clarity on our vision as soon as possible. The energies are ramping up big time and so do the dynamics and speed of the processes. In order to build the foundation for a smoother journey through a year full of surprises and challenges we ought to laser focus on our vision.

If we take a closer look at January, then the following issues are sticking out:

        • Going deep inside & cultivating a deeper dialog with Source
        • Creating a vision
        • Discernment
        • to let go of
        • Openness, neutrality & flexibility


Going inwards & cultivating a deeper dialog with Source: January is particularly good for going inwards, withdrawing from busyness and asking yourself: what does source want to express through me in this situation?

Next, it's about Discernment :

  • Where am I on my ascension path, in my life, on my journey?
  • Who or what is really a contribution to me in my life and on my journey and who or what is just pretending to be?


Discernment is also required when it comes to teaching and teachers. We do need to make faster decisions then we used to but at the same time they need to be thorough and in alignment with the new frequencies more then ever. The glamor-quick fix-feel good-teachings often promoted out there will not help you to empower yourself but keep you in the hamster wheel.

Remember: no one is able to empower you but you!

If you answer these questions honestly and thoroughly, you have already created an important piece of your entire vision. Based on your answers you can already make new choices and take proper action.

Creating a vision: Be open in the January weeks and use the momentum of the energy of the beginning of the year to gather messages, inner images and divine guidance. Keep your heart wide open to receive/see or hear the messages which will be provided for you this month - weather you actively seek guidance through a Channeling or personal Reading, or listen consciously to the messages that come to you in other ways.

Watch out for signs. Connect with Gaia and communicate with her, the animal and plant kingdoms. Nothing happens by chance and the tree beings, angels, Ascended Masters and Higher Councils have many messages for you especially in January. Keep a journal if you don’t have one yet, and write it all down, draw it or create a vision board.

What do you want to create this year?

The vision-creating process will reveal what is no longer applicable to your highest path, what is no longer in tune with your frequency, and what and who you are allowed to let go of .

Farewell & departing are big topics in January and throughout the entire year in many ways. It is one of the most challenging topics as it affects so many aspects in our life. In these first weeks of the year many souls departed the planet already or are getting ready to. My heart is with you if you are in the process of saying farewell to a loved one. It is always a big shift in our journey and a deeply personal process.

. Farewell may not only concern people in our life but also our homes and dwelling places, habits, activities, believes and our job situation.

The quicker you accept the constant change the easier it will be for you.

2025 is a ninth year in numerology. That means completion, mastery and reaping the fruits of all that was previously sown and nurtured.

What do you want to reap and enjoy this year?

Flexibility: Stay flexible and do not make long-term decisions in these weeks that have to be implemented with great effort.

In a few weeks everything can and will probably look very different again.

You need your strength, flexibility and neutrality to stay balanced in this whirlwind of changes – and to choose wisely moment by moment.

Finding the zero point inside of you and embodying the balance will be the ticket to maneuver and thrive, not only through January but throughout the entire year. Use your gifts, abilities and tools to keep it.

May the humour be with you,



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