August Energy Update

The Lion's Gate ushered in a period of personal renewal for many. We receive tips and clues for change throughout the whole month of August.

At the same time, the wave of cleansing and cosmic flushing is strong and intense ~ both within and outside us. It can feel like floating through the vastness of the new, the unknown.

The body can be very exhausted at the moment. Many light workers around the world report similar experiences. Rest and plenty of sleep are important as well as spending time in the fresh air, drinking enough activated water, meditating and allowing the body to move (stretch) rather gently.

Write down your vision for your personal changes. Start with careful steps ~ depending on your constitution ~ perhaps a dietary adjustment, etc. For more support, you can watch the webinar 'Navigating the Unknown'.

The emotional state indicates the degree of inner clearing work done. So be patient and kind to yourself when your symptoms are strong. Use these August days for inner focus and get more clarity.

From August 20 (Uranus turns retrograde) through the 29th, we have a potent Stargate alignment, with the Full Moon on August 22. Big changes on all levels are to be expected. This will continue through the fall. We need a lot of patience for these coming months.

Revisit the Energy Report August for detailed information, especially the 'Retrograde Planets' section.

All is well,

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