28 Jul Energie Report August 2021
Neptune’s strong influence on dynamic dissolution in July will continue in August and increase significantly from Aug. 20 on, when Uranus turns retrograde.
Solar activity increases and there are daily flares now. Most are weak, but still have an impact on the Earth's magnetic field and changes. (Revisit"Geomagnetic effects on the physical body and the psyche" for an in depth article and further links to live charts at the end).
Layer by layer the old constructs, structures and illusions are removed and dissolved.
The Schuhmann resonance spiked over the last days and showed an interesting blackouts on the measurement scale on July 27-29th.
This occasionally happens when special events occur. It felt like a strong increase in vibration, while whole realities were shifted.
These shifts can lead to severe physical exhaustion and dizziness. Rest if you have such symptoms.
For all these reasons, we are witnessing a massive uprising of those who want to keep the control narrative of censorship and fear going at all costs.
We see it in grotesque manipulations in all areas: Health, weather, economics, monetary system, technology, mind control, food, media, etc.
The rapid separation of our realities in the physical, that we have called forth in the past, has picked up even more steam.
Be mindful and make sure not to get drawn into the control and division agendas ~ remember your divine discernment: ideally you are a neutral observer without fueling the lower realities with your precious energy. We predicted everything that is happening right now, and it is playing out exactly as foretold.
Always remember that you have a choice and that you alone should make the decision concerning your body and your DNA. Who or what do you give your consent to? It may be time to expand your horizons so that you can choose something that is beyond what you previously thought was real.
- "Sovereignty (self-determination) means being in your mastery. The embodiment of the True Self and Multidimensional Self can only succeed through personal responsibility and sovereignty. There is no one above us. Even Galactic Beings, Archangels, or Ascended Masters are not "superiors". Believing in an overarching power is a program. Our systems, governments, societies are based on such programs. They are built on us surrendering our own power or responsibility, and on remaining victims."
Excerpt from the article Sovereignty in the New Light
Due to the expansion of our solar system, a new expansion of consciousness is available for us. The perception of reality is constantly changing, and will continue to do so both this year and next. The system of old archetypes is dissolving. We see completely new geometries, energies, and blueprints. Much on the higher planes is so new and unknown that we cannot yet fully grasp it.
Many have a strong need for detoxification, decluttering, simplification and also for a change of residence this year. Again, this clearly shows the physical separation of realities. Trust your intuition, your Higher Self and your divine team for guidance.
For some, moving becomes a priority. If you feel this way, focus on the move for now. Everything else will fall into place naturally. These times of the deepest transformation are very challenging on the body and the psyche. It's okay if you can only focus on ONE project right now.
In the Global Energy Transmission, this Sunday, we will prepare for the Lion's Gate (8.8.). The Energy Transmission, in addition to the energies of healing and activation, will include a special clearing. Due to the current frequency shifts (Schumann blackouts and reality shifts), all participants will also receive healing and calming of the nervous system. Another focus will be on the recalibration and expansion of the crystalline light body in preparation to receive the new diamond light codes.
Gatekeeper open the passage for the Lions Gate. The Lions Gate on the 8.8. coincides with the New Moon on the same day.
August 8: NEW MOON at 04:49 am CET (UTC+1)
On the days around the new moon a strong phase of change and liberation from the old is to be expected. At the same time, energy intensifies and changes in consciousness are possible.
We will see an increase of divine feminine and mystical energies.
The Lion Gate is a powerful star portal guarded by the royal Lion Beings of Sirius. These formidable light beings, also known as *the Lions of the Past and Future*, hold the sacred space for New Light codes and the templates for Earth's evolution.
When the portal opens on 8/8, these new light codes activate the light grids for the next higher level. These light grids hold the New 5D Earth. All people who freely choose a higher level of consciousness will receive the corresponding activation of their light bodies in this time window.
Receiving the new diamond light encodings & alignment to the new ascension frequencies through the divine light.
This is a conscious choice. If you wish to do so, meditate and speak your request aloud. The key is to keep your personal consciousness as clear as possible, and your vibration as high as possible. Pull your focus away from the revelations and bizarre events on the outside and go deep within. Divine neutrality instead of reaction through triggers.
August 22: FULL MOON at 08:52 pm CET (UTC+1)
The Full Moon energy is in direct conjunction with the Lion's Gate New Moon. A good time to review the changes and activations since the 8.8.
Where can you still fine tune in terms of your personal freedom and the activation of your freedom codes? Who or what are you still giving your approval to? What are your decisions based on? This is a good time to re-evaluate and make different choices for your highest good. Freedom is made out of courage.
PLUTO: April 27 until October 6, 2021
Pluto holds the energy of transformation and power as well as destruction and regeneration. Where do I allow change in my life? Power struggle between those who hold on to old control-structures and those who want to live the freedom-codes.
Examine your own attitude towards 'power'. Radical honesty allows deep insights into your subconscious. Letting go of old victim structures and accepting your own power provides space for the next step of self-empowerment.
Mindfulness: ostrich mentality is reinforced and can lead to inner resistance to deal with one's own issues.
Suppression of deepest desires and needs. Anger and aggression towards self as well as self-harm and self-hatred. Possible aggression against others.
Increased mindfulness in the outside world, the reactions of fear-triggered people are often unpredictable.
SATURN: May 5 unil October 11, 2021
Saturn asks us to focus on the essentials in life, otherwise we may perish.
It will be very turbulent with regard to the global financial system.
Intensification of fears, guilt and boundaries and the possibility of resolving them. Since these emotions can intensify in all people, it is important to be careful and mindful in dealing with them, especially when dealing with authority.
Saturn holds the opportunity to gain clarity on all levels, especially about relationships. Anything based on drama will dissolve. Goodbyes are to be expected.
JUPITER: June 20 until October 18, 2021
Re-evaluate plans & beliefs, let go of expectations.
Review and clear old beliefs and patterns.
Have you been underutilizing your potential and settling for less instead of recognizing and integrating your divine self? Big expansion on all levels and growth is possible.
NEPTUNE: June 25 until December 1, 2021
Dynamic revelations and holistic visions.
Forms and structures dissolve as well as illusions. On a deep inner level a real breakthrough of creative originality takes place. Creative processes are particularly fruitful. Phase of renewal.
Pay attention to the shadow side: physical and psychological exhaustion become stronger, as do possible disorientation and escapism from the world.
CHIRON: July 17 until December 19, 2021
Great Opportunity for deep inner healing processes. Also a good opportunity to receive clarity that our strongest pain points in life hold our greatest treasures ~ recognize one's own abilities and strengths in them. These potentials can then be lived.
Mindfulness: sudden and immediate emotional outbursts can sometimes be unsettling or irritating, especially if you don't have much experience with emotional clearing or are newly awakened. Seek professional help if necessary.
Lightworkers stabilize the collective field by staying calm and at peace! For therapists of all kinds: pay attention to sudden emotional shifts and outbursts in your clients.
URANUS: August 20 until December 31, 2021
A laser will be shined on everything old: on outdated structures, belief systems, patterns and unconscious ways of acting. All will be shaken loose. Holding on to the old becomes very uncomfortable. Letting go is a key to maintaining inner balance. The impossible now becomes possible, also, as the activation of the freedom codes increases the longing for independence. Good time for change.
This phase supports introspection and insights, on the basis of which changes are initiated. Therefore, professional projects may become less important during this phase, as the focus shifts to our innermost self. Simply postpone them to a later time instead of trying to push them through with great willpower.
All is well,