Drift of the worlds

Blessings Beautiful Heart,
we have made it through the first eye of the needle this year!

The significant frequency shift with the full moon and the special event on Saturday, January the 27th when ALL planets went forward, were and are clearly noticeable and have triggered a lot on both a physical and emotional level.

This included food cravings as well as sudden feelings of joy and bliss, but also mood swings and bouts of melancholy.


The number of lightworkers who serve as cosmic transductors is rather small. This small group transforms the newest and highest frequencies from the cosmos through their light body to a level that makes them tangible and receptive for the collective.

This is often a Herculean task and feels like being part of the funnel that wants to guide the Nile through the eye of a needle. I was on duty the entire last two weeks without a break and so have been my colleagues.

The physical body now needs a few days of rest and an integration phase for the new codes and DNA upgrades. These weeks are about intensive clearing and letting go of everything and anything that is no longer congruent with our vibration.



As a result of the initial ignition on January 27th Energy wave on the rise), we are now experiencing an effect that will intensify even further over the course of the year: the worlds and timelines, including their "inhabitants", are drifting further and further apart.

As the 'earth walkers' go through different degrees of activation, let's call it from 1 to 100, those who are in the lower eighth can no longer relate to the beings already activating their galactic light body.

Their being and vibration causes irritation, if not bewilderment among the slower earthlings since they cannot understand these new frequencies.

There is no need to judge here, and no inhabitant is "better" than the other. However, we are now faced with the choice of which of these earth dwellers should belong to our tribe? Your powers of discernment are just as important as your higher senses to assess the vibration of those around you.

Metaphorically speaking: If you were a butterfly, would you choose a paving stone as your partner?



This is the time when we re-evaluate everything within and around us. Using a Feng Shui term, the practical implementation of this means DECLUTTERING - on all levels and in every respect.

We clear and transform on all levels and become lighter in order to be more flexible and permeable. We want to use this great initial wave and let ourselves be carried by the wave of energy - instead of drowning in it.



Let's now enjoy the momentum created by the planets and take good care of our bodies:

  • move in the fresh air
  • sun bathing (as soon as you can see it;-)
  • alkaline baths (epsom salt and sea salt)
  • drinking alkaline activated water
  • good sleep


and gentle detoxification provide a good basis to make it easier for the physical body to transform into a crystalline light body.

I wish you a gentle ride on the energy wave and
may the humour be with you.



<<< Energy wave ahaed.                                  Energy update & Mt Shasta is calling