21 Aug Release all load! August 21, 2015
Since that is a frequently asked question I would like to give some insights today about the last Transmission in August.
In general I am downloading the highest frequencies directly from the divine source for you, the group and the planet. Depending on the level of consciousness each participant makes her/his own individual experience. Many people are able to grasp only a piece of the big picture that unfolds beautifully during this wonderful download.
The subject of the August transmission was to “release all load”
During the Energy Transmission the group was connected to all the earth chakras and several star portals where opened for us. Each participant was experiencing very deep healing in clearance of negative evolutionary patterns.
Great amounts of old blockades were transformed, especially old pain, fear, resistance, anger, pity, stagnation, drama, trauma, negative karma, attachments and entities.
Major healing work has been done on our reptilian brain, which stores ancient negative memories and trauma. We received new strength and power instead to be able to focus on the really important things in life and to get back on track!
I was allowed to download the very new frequencies from the mineral kingdom, plant- and water kingdom from the star portals. We all got an upload on new homeopathic frequencies. Our level of love and abundance has been raised! Many of you are suffering through the nearly intolerable overload of information, negative residue and old structures and patterns. Therefore the recalibration with the new high frequencies has been a quiet pleasant and balancing experience.
Our planet earth is in on the edge - that is not a new headline for you. In order to help it survive we need a collective change in consciousness - and we need it now. The positive potential of love and caring for each animal, plant, and human has to be increased and expanded to its maximum. Through the Transmission each participant is supported in achieving his/her highest divine potential. The high vibration levels help each person to overcome separation and polarity and become One with the whole group, the planet, the universe and beyond.
In August the worldwide group of participants was very strong! Many of you have experienced a significant rise in their own vibration since they had been joining the Transmissions since May 2014. The amount of downloaded cosmic energy was so high that due to the multiplication through the participants our light got so strong that we could cut through the darkness that surrounds our planet! We then connected with the whole galaxy which let healing of the earth take place. Through self- growth and self-support you support others. If several light-workers unite their power it multiplies. Therefore we are able to create a new reference point as an adjustment to the collective insanity, fear and insecurity.
No matter how many or how few of those aspects you had been able to experience consciously during the August transmission the outcome is always the same! The benefit is always there. On the higher dimensional level you have more power then you probably imagine. And as a group our influence on the whole is even much bigger compared to us as individuals.
Many Blessings