I hope you had a wonderful Easter and welcomed something new into your life.
There is much to report, and this newsletter is packed with information, tools, data and offers (some of which may trigger you) because the energies that support change and create 'the new' are strong and will continue to be so in the coming weeks, until after the total lunar eclipse on May 16.
So let's keep our focus on letting go and transcending the old and realigning our lives to the higher path, the new.
Let's keep the focus on our vision and implement it practically!
If you don't have a clear vision and your ship is sailing aimlessly like a lame cutter, then seek support.
The important thing is: take a step forward! Waiting and staying in the old will be a painful capsizing.
The coming weeks will be quite “exciting” alongside many unpredictable events, and it will be easier when you control the rudder of your ship yourself.
The solar eclipse passage is open. Retrograde Pluto starting on April 29 and the partial solar eclipse on April 30 with simultaneous New Moon at 10:30 PM, herald profound changes FOR THE LONG SIGHT.
The partial solar eclipse will only be visible in Antarctica, Chile, Peru, Argentina, and Bolivia. For us, that doesn't change its impact and intensity in the slightest.
We will receive a super wave of crystal clear blue light. In combination with the ever thinning veil, many unconscious will be carried away by it (beware of ships swinging around uncontrollably!), the conscious on the other hand will use it for a new beginning, a new start, a new course, a New Life.
The motto is “Set sail and full speed ahead!” Before that, we should clear the deck and do thorough self-reflection (like Yogananda, highly recommended) and despite the challenges to body and mind, remain confident.
Every thought has a vibration that we radiate out. I agree with Nalini Macnab: 'This is why we humans are not represented in absolutely any galactic council/association or federation: we are not in control of our thoughts. We are a risk, and in this respect we have just entered kindergarten.'
Gaia is constantly evolving independently of us. She has now revealed a whole new level (completely new and ancient templates) that is beyond what we have imagined or manifested as 'New Earth'. It looks as if she took our creation to the next level. In nature, it is already reflected.
In order for us to be able to land on that new realm, it is imminent that we say goodbye to everything and throw overboard everything that is fear based. To do this, you first have to identify your fears, and the reality behind it.
You may also want to apply it to the outside illusion: what are the huge lies that are told in the mainstream, and what is really behind it?
We are experiencing an acceleration of time like never before. Accordingly, we no longer have a breeze to waste, but we can lose a lot and also gain a lot, depending on how we use our precious life force.
Self-love equals our life force, and treating it as the most precious thing we have.
Like many colleagues, the energy tsunami briefly knocked me down in mid-April. Yes, it's exhausting for all of us. With no exceptions.
At the same time, there are exponentially great opportunities now and the transcendence and transformation in spiritual work is awesome.
What are you choosing? The cutter, to capsize, or the catamaran?
May the humour be with you,
P.S.: I have tried all three options and the catamaran is the most fun!
PLUTO: April 29 until October 8, 2022
Pluto turned retrograde on the 29th and supports us to go into the deepest areas of our inner world and the unconscious levels. As all supposed security structures break away on the outside, only on the inside we can find or strengthen our true integrity, our balance and our peace, as well as access to our primal power and our self-trust.
The theme of power, powerlessness and self-empowerment will play a central role in the coming weeks.
April 30th is Walpurgis Night, celebrated traditionally in many parts of Europe, and if you have not yet resolved your karma as a “witch / sorcerer” from previous lifetimes yet it should become number one on your to-do list. Our freedom codes can only be fully activated when we are free from the old blocks and limitations.
Pluto holds the energy of transformation and power as well as destruction and regeneration. Where do I allow change in my life? Power struggle between those who hold on to old control-structures and those who want to live the freedom-codes.
Examine your own attitude towards 'power'. Radical honesty allows deep insights into your subconscious. Letting go of old victim structures and accepting your own power provides space for the next step of self-empowerment.
Mindfulness: ostrich mentality is reinforced and can lead to inner resistance to deal with one's own issues.
Suppression of deepest desires and needs. Anger and aggression towards self as well as self-harm and self-hatred. Possible aggression against others.
Increased mindfulness in the outside world, the reactions of fear-triggered people are often unpredictable.
MERCURY: May 10, 2022 until June 3, 2022
Revelation of the disowned component in our awareness, communication, and interaction with others and with the world around us.
Good time for introspection and becoming more aware of your own patterns.... and changing them.
Mind, communication, progression and even onward movement can become unbalanced, sometimes to the point of chaos.
If we put it in relation to Pluto and the overall energy, then the reference to 'going within, transforming and taking a step forward' takes on an even stronger emphasis.