Half way through the dragon year

Originally I had intended to write a short energy report. Due to the intensity of the frequencies and events though, it has now become an in-depth article with the following content:

The Summer Solstice

Dragon Lines and heart opening

Radical transformation

Coded Plasma

Pain through guilt

How a client started to walk again

Transformation from grief to joy

Heart center activation - exercise



In the Southern Hemisphere, the June solstice marks the beginning of winter.

The term “solstice” is derived from the Latin word "solstitium". It means "the sun stands still".

We can also describe it as the balance point of creation.

The strong activations that take place as a result of the solstice influx can already be felt. Take advantage of the new light and coded plasma by absorbing them through your heart center.

This year is about the radical transformation of concepts, ideas, belief systems, thought patterns, habits and behaviors, archetypes and morphogenetic fields. When we harmonize these transformed energies through the heart and allow them to flow to and through each of us, a real shift can happen.

The heart-torus field becomes stronger and stronger, and the dragon lines on the planet within Gaia become wider and deeper, transforming from a linear to a toroidal form. (Dragonlines, like leylines, represent a network on Gaia.While leylines are more present in the vital energetic effect, dragon lines are located on the spiritual primal force level of the earth).



The more new coded plasma flows to earth and is absorbed by us, the more our radical transformation can succeed.

Resistance to the path of the Higher Self and the associated transformation causes suffering. I would like to tell you about a client now, since her story is a wonderful example of our current radical transformation process and also shows what is possible when we surrender to it and take a leap:



"My client had a longtime friend named Andreas (*name changed), but the two had grown apart in the last three years due to different choices and views. In addition, Andreas became very ill due to the choice of gene therapy in 2021, his personality changed, he became aggressive and verbally abusive.

Shortly before Andreas left this planet, my client wanted to see him one last time in hospital to remember and honor the good years of friendship. However, she told me: "I couldn't go there, I just couldn't make it, no matter how hard I tried. I knew it wouldn't be healthy for me to go there since I had always suffered for days after the last times we had met."

Andreas died a short time later. When my client found out about Andreas' death weeks later, she developed strong feelings of guilt. Although she knew that a visit would have harmed her, she criticized herself afterwards for not having been stronger, and her feelings of guilt became so strong that she took on entities from the deceased and developed extreme bone pain.

When she called for a session, she had already been unable to walk for 2 weeks and could only sleep sitting up.

After we cleared the feelings of guilt with all it’s background (which reached into karmic realms), contracts and old thought-forms, she released her old thought patterns and belief systems and she transformed the energies through the heart center.

Her heart torus became stronger and she regained access to her self-love and her Higher Aspects. After I had cleared the entities and foreign energies as a next step the pain disappeared almost instantly. While working with me on the phone she regained her strength and was able to get out of bed and walk dynamically. She laughed with joy! By the way, the lady is 80 years old. "

Each of us can certainly find ourselves in one or more aspects of this story. It is a good example of the effects our old beliefs and patterns can have and what happens when we do not act in accordance with our highest possible good. And above all, it is a good example of how quickly and extremely clearly the physical body shows us when we do something that is not in harmony with our divine frequency.

Let us now look at the theme of death from the story in a wider context.



In this phase of the Dragon Year, we experience that for many people the feeling of grief is very strong. Grief is a deep form of sorrow/sadness, coupled with despair. It is usually death that triggers grief, because unfortunately there is a lot of suffering and unnecessary death in the world.

I have observed with many clients and colleagues that this grief is triggered on the one hand by the events from the last 3 years and on the other by what is becoming more and more present currently - such as the next gene therapy that seems to be lurking around the corner again, to name just one.

How can we deal with this and use the power of the solstice to transform grief into joy or to find inner balance?

Let's take a look at light and shadow, because it is neither helpful nor expedient to negate the shadow or the evil:

Dealing with the process of destruction on the outside, controlled by a few people, is challenging and can cause anxiety and fear.

We must also not forget that all those who have been exposed to the madness of the last 3 years have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD, which expresses itself in varying degrees and symptoms.

I will not go into depth here regarding either the destruction process or PTSD. (I recommend the books by Michael Morris, who as a channel predicted the microbial crisis in his first book back in 2011. Most of his books are in German only, because Amazon US banned the English versions. So one book is available in English as a Kindl-version and some others are available in Spanish: click here )



Now I have observed with some clients and colleagues that the knowledge of what is to come not only triggers fear and grief, but also a reaction of "adapting" and "belittling" (making oneself small?).

Such and similar reactions are currently favored by retrograde Pluto and its theme of power/powerlessness and self-empowerment. Powerlessness or victimhood strengthens the dark side, or “the evil”.

In order to succeed transforming powerlessness it is important to pay attention to the shadow sides of Pluto retrograde and to deal with them in a self-responsible and spiritually mature way.


For details revisit DECLINING PLANETS 2024

Let's take another look at the shadow side of the Pluto influence:

            • Making oneself small and "bending" to the point of self-denial in order to belong to a group


            • Inner resistance to deal with one's own issues.


            • Escape into coping mechanisms such as superficial esoteric practices, shopping impulses, food, alcohol, drugs, medication, TV, social media, etc.


            • Suppression of deepest desires and needs.


            • Anger and aggression toward self as well as self-harm and self-hatred.


            • Increase in aggression and arguments on the outside in a wide variety of scenarios.


            • Shock due to sudden and unforeseen, often painful changes (death, separation, loss of material possessions, job, etc.), if previously the existing situation was clung to convulsively. This applies to personal areas as well as to social and economic structures and systems.


If we now face up to the old concepts, thought patterns and habits and expose the coping mechanisms instead of remaining powerless, we can harmonize this transformed energy through the heart.

The heart torus field becomes stronger and stronger as the dragon lines on the planet change from a linear form to a toroidal form as described.

This process will be completed with the winter solstice and each individual dragon line will form a new torus field around and through Gaia's energy field. This will of course affect our physical bodies and our lives. Because our behavior and our transformation are in direct interaction with Gaia and the dragon lines.


It is about transforming grief into joy. We can witness imbalance all around us. By creating an inner balance, we stabilize the collective field and bring in energy of harmony.

Joy is a part of love, as are peace and courage.

When we balance our heart center, we will influence the world around us.



Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Deepen the connection to your Higher Self, your Christed Self and your I AM Presence. Welcome the Ascended Masters, the Angels, the Galactics and all your divine aspects from all dimensions and parallel realities.

Allow yourself to perceive the divine light within you. How does your heart center and your energy field feel at this moment? Divine love is a strong, palpable frequency that increases in intensity as our DNA is activated.

Speak out loud: My divine heart center is in alignment with my highest divine plan. It is fully cleared and activated and shows me the path of my mastery.

I open myself in every moment to the power of my heart center, divine love and divine will: Thy will be done. I choose divine love, joy, creativity and gratitude in thought, word and deed.

May every decision I make be for the highest good of all involved.

To my higher aspects: Let us clear and transform my physical experience with ease so that it reflects my Divine Self as the pure essence of Source.


By leaving the eternal cycle of old concepts and behaviors, and letting go of projections onto others we work out the freedom we receive with the new codes.

Because freedom is not a given, it is a quality that we can create in every moment.

May the humour be with you,



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