30 Nov The return of the dragon power
we still have a powerful month ahead of us that will end a year.
2023 was and is packed with upheavals, changes and challenges, and all of this will intensify in 2024.
Exactly one year ago, the dragons of Sa Dragonera on Mallorca, Spain called me and I was allowed to work with these wonderful beings.
They accompanied, supported and gave us powerful impulses during the Global Energy Transmission in December 2022, and they will do the same again on December 3rd.
The dragons have invited me back to the island - wich holds a very warm and feminine frequency - and I've been working even more closely and intensively with a much larger group of dragons for several days now.
"Remember your inner power and reclaim it. Embody your power!
This is your tool for the now and the time to come.
It will carry you, clear the way and with it you can powerfully hold your space."
The dragons are calling us. When we connect with them and the warm feminine frequencies of the island, we feel their vibrating power. And we remember this dragon power within us!
Dragons are wisdom keepers - their fire is powerful and is used by them in a very targeted way. This fire can be anything we need: a quiet glow, a single gentle flame, a strong blazing fire or an indomitable jet of fire...
...and sometimes a short hissing smoke..... just as a signal;-)
They are masters of camouflage, virtually merging with their surroundings.
The dragons remind us to stoke our inner fire now, to nurture and nourish it carefully again - then it will nourish us.
In times of dissolution, when many individual cards have already fallen out of the house of cards it won't be long before it collapses. At that time the dragon fire keeps our path clear. Regardless of how much card debris is falling around us, this fire always creates a protected space.
DRAGON POWER OFFERS US CLARITY: the imperturbability to continue on the path of our heart and love.
Let us do as the dragons do: we can breathe fire to clear the path. We can breathe fire to avoid being hurt by madness. We can breathe fire to clear away everything superfluous, meaningless, but also cold, heartless and inhuman in a blaze of fire. And we can use the fire to create something brand new, warm and powerful!
With the support of the dragons we activate our true inner power and can rise to our full greatness, speak our truth and embody our true selves. Let's reawaken our dragon energies together, because these powerful and wise forces are needed now!
I send you rays of sunshine from the beautiful island of Mallorca and look forward to welcoming you into the Dragon Temple on Sunday.
May the humour be with you,
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