Winter Solstice, Resurrection & Dragon Magic

The winter solstice in the northern hemisphere is approaching, culminating on December 22, 2023 at 04:27 CET (UTC+1).

We are now in a phase of retreat, of dying and of letting go of the old self - and of resurrection.

We are bathed in new light, the solar flares are bringing new plasma clouds to Earth, and the return of the dragons with their power and magic is palpable.

The December Energy Transmission supported by the dragon beings of Mallorca and of Sa Dragonera in particular was something very special. Hundreds of Dragon Beings were present in the etheric temple to support the participants with their unique healing energy.

All participants received new crystalline encodings and an upgrade of their DNA. I had tears of joy in my eyes at times during the Transmission because the Dragon Beings gave us many more gifts than I would have ever imagined.

Many participants have established a relationship with these wonderful beings for the first time since the ET and now have their own personal dragon by their side. This accelerates the transformation processes with a new dynamic.

One client had activated her dragon power and thus experienced a deep process of dying to the Old Self and of resurrecting - connecting with and embodying her True Self.

Her personal dragon joined in the session with another group of dragon beings and supported her in this process in a comprehensive and loving way. The healing went back through her entire female AND male ancestral lineage. She received a multi-faceted upgrade of her soul star prism.

Since I have been in Mallorca (Spain), I have been in constant communication with the dragon beings. They will be even more present in 2024 and there is much for us to explore about them. What I really like, apart from their immense power and intelligent wisdom, is the humor of the Dragon Beings.

From what I see, we can look forward to what the dragons have in store for us as we welcome them back and connect with them more deeply.



In these days around the winter solstice, which is followed by a mystical full moon that will be the last full moon of the year on December 27 at 1:33 am CET (UTC+1), we can go deep within ourselves, look back at our personal year 2023 and carry out a cleansing process both internally and externally. This also applies to the period until mid-January 2024.

The declining planets Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Chiron and Uranus provide a helpful framework for this.

All background information and details can be found HERE in the planet overview 2023.


The winter solstice is one of the most sacred passages of the year. It is a time when true and deepest transformation can take place.

Take advantage of this precious opening: take your time and space, create an environment in which you allow yourself to be touched by these powerful energies. Profound changes are possible and you can expand to the next level of your beingness.

Always remember: everything you transform for yourself in this phase, you also release for the collective. Be mindful: everything low vibrating and negative that you remain stuck in or that you create also has an effect on the collective!

Meditate, take your crystals out into nature and open yourself to receive the new crystalline codes. Expand your field. Connect with nature beings, the plant and animal world and with Gaia. Ask for messages and listen, open your heart. Much is possible in this wonderful frequency window.

Celebrate your presence and your own personal death and resurrection process. And give yourself a gift for a change - whatever you choose for yourself - may it nourish you and bring you joy.


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