30 Mar The two sides of the coin
After a strong spring equinox and a powerful new moon, Pluto re-entered the sign Aquarius on March 23 again after 248 years.
This heralds the time of total change, in the sense that this complete upheaval is now becoming visible and palpable on Earth.
I would like to illuminate here both sides of the coin, because I know that in many esoteric circles the other side of the coin is often blinded out. In my understanding, this is not helpful. I am also aware that this could be a trigger for some of you:
The "nothing is as it was and it will never be again" will catch up with everyone in the next few months, in all areas of life - even with those who still maintain the illusion (“all is fine”).
Let's remember that on this planet we live in polarity: there are always two sides to the coin. We are experiencing unprecedented increases in frequency on one hand affecting everything that goes along with it in a positive sense and possible outcome.
The other side of the coin is the total collapse of the old system with its structures, which has very real effects on the inside (personal patterns, contracts, belief systems, karmic issues, etc.), as well as very tangible and practical effects on the outside, i.e. in daily life.
Those who have blinded that part out so far, either out of fear or of convenience, may want to deal with it now as quickly as possible.
Until June 11, we are in an intermediate phase - I call it the practical integration and implementation phase. In this phase we can take all the practical steps that affect our lives so that they will then stand on stable foundation, no matter what will happen on the outside.
For it is difficult to follow the noble spiritual goals when one is psychologically in a state of emergency or lives under adverse circumstances. Being attentive and following your Higher Self, creates exactly the reality you want to experience in the outside.
Practically speaking, this means that only 100 meters away from your own home everything can look and unfold completely differently.
This is the time of conscious choice, wise decisions and inner and outer practical implementation.
When I was asked last week by my cosmic team to travel again to the Sirian Stargate in Austria for the Global Energy Transmission on April 2, it made much sense to me.
Due to the energy wave of the equinox, there have been major activations at various power spots and Gaia has been releasing numerous secrets and codes ever since.
Transmitting the energies from there feels like the optimal support to all participants for the coming weeks to me. I am already looking forward to Sunday!
Sources to integrate the new frequencies and support the dimensional shifts:
- Deep Clearing, Healing, Activation of the new codes and much more as part of the Global Energy Transmission on April 2 from the Sirian Stargate, Fairy Hood in Austria.
- In the article ‘A Galactic Moment of Creation’ you will find support for dealing with the division of worlds, the dissolution of old structures as well as the topics self-worth & self-love, self-reflection, Galactic Creation Moment, energy vampires & healthy boundaries, conscious decision & aura protection
- You can find information on how to deal with fatigue and exhaustion in the article Energy update January
In my channelings, the Arcturians often appear and offer us a lot of support.
Let`s honor these great and wise beings by putting our efforts into action. Thus we are laying the foundation for the coming months and for a better world.
May the humour be with you,
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