03 Nov Energy Report November ~ Part 1
There is much to say about the November energies. A challenging and exciting month has started. The cosmic activities increase and become visible. We are in the hot phase of fundamental change in our realities.
It can also be described as a chaotic vortex of energy, which marks the transition from the old three-dimensional cycle to the new fifth-dimensional cycle.
We know that the old structures (the matrix) are dissolving. This is an organic process, enabling us to create New Earth. An entire cycle ends in these months and a completely new one begins. In just a few months we are going through a metamorphosis that usually takes decades. We quickly learn what is really important and set new priorities.
It is time to become very aware of what is really happening around us.
The right of free speech, personal views and opinions is taken away in many countries. Many colleagues websites have already been taken down, YouTube channels have been blocked and social media accounts have been deleted by the big technology corporations. All of this can happen when you ask, say, or write anything that doesn't conform to the narrative. This comes to a new peak in November and December.
This month two main themes emerge to which all others can be subordinated:
Topic one is Clarity in the Chaos
Topic two is Focus and Inner Balance
This topic is about the conscious perception of what is actually happening outside and how to deal with it in the best possible way.
We know that we are in the greatest upheaval in human history. In addition to the physical exhaustion that is an effect of the constant increasing frequencies, there is now also the mental and emotional exhaustion.
The reasons for this are, on the one hand, the first and second lockdowns, accompanied by totalitarian control measures. Global mind control runs at 100% right now to make us believe that we have lost the game and there is no ascension. On the other hand, the decay of the old structures is now palpable, and we are experiencing it in our physical reality. It's no longer just channeled predictions or conspiracy theories, it's happening now, and we're right in the middle of it.
- It can be exhausting and challenging for all of us. There are no reference points and no blueprints that we can rely on. All of us have to face our fears and our old unresolved trauma. All of us. Do not think that it is easier for us spiritual teachers or wayshowers.
We have to master the chaos, because our physical body, as part of our multidimensional self, still exists in this dimension and polarity. And now we have a second chance so as not to repeat the experience of Atlantis' self-destruction.
From the intel I am receiving from my guides, we will face completely new challenges in the coming months. Life as we knew it no longer exists. The collapse of the global economy will become very apparent. At the same time, the totalitarian control planned by governments will increase rapidly. Alongside with it there will be huge worldwide revelations on all levels. (If fear is now triggered in you then clear the program. See also the exercise in the practical step-section).
I like to work with the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light because they are gentle, loving and clear at the same time. They prepared us for all of this in their messages for so many years now. We are just seeing the tip of the iceberg of what is being revealed from behind the scenes:
- „“The extent of the lies, manipulation and oppression of humanity is so much greater than you can even imagine. What you are currently seeing in revelations (2020) is only the tip of the iceberg."
Technically speaking, we understand that the instant chaos is the result of the increase in frequency and the dissolution of the lower timelines. All that which is not love cannot exist in the 5D vibration. How to we cope with it?
- Independent thinking and thorough research ~ Only in this way can we remain able to act and make wise decisions in our life that are for our physical and mental well-being. The truth is available to us in the here and now. We have to make our own research and not buy into the propaganda. In contrast to the past, nobody can say: "I didn't know."Looking back, it can only be: "I didn't want to know."If we want to swim in the sea when the waves are high, it makes sense to watch the wave closely. If we turn our backs on it, it will hit us with full force, unprepared, and we will likely go under.
- Neutral approach ~ We look at the events and the truth behind them neutrally without getting sucked in and falling into the role of victimhood. We take responsibility for our emotions and reactions. We then make a higher choice out of discernment. We ALWAYS have a choice.
- Right dosage of information/news ~ Even for experienced lightworkers with a strong aura field and solid knowledge, upcoming revelations can be disturbing. If we now deal with the current issues and research the truth behind them, we automatically connect to the collective field of fear and panic. The negative effect on our aura field can be strong. Therefore, one should inform oneself in a targeted and well-dosed manner and take long breaks in between.
- Reduced exposure to electronic devices ~ Our bioenergetic body field reacts very sensitively to all types of radiation, especially EMF waves. They weaken our immune system. And, of course, there is a risk of addiction with constant smartphone and internet consumption.
- Avoiding conflicts ~ Many unconscious (and some conscious) people are so panicked, due to fear agenda, that their emotional body falls into a kind of frozen state. Therefore, we experience rigid opinions and points of view everywhere. Real heartfelt communication and exchange are then no longer possible. It is better not to even get into verbal or written contact and leave the situation. We also check our own emotional state in order to look at and dissolve our own fear and patterns if necessary.
- Contact with like-minded people ~ We all need social contact with loving people who are open and want to grow. This is a safe place to speak your truth and listen to the truth of the others. We can enjoy each other's company of loving support.
- Triggers and trauma ~ Which events and frequencies catch your attention? What are the beliefs and triggers that you can identify? Triggers and trauma are a strong issue in November: If you have disproportionately strong emotions in relatively insignificant events, then this is a clear sign of a trigger, unconscious pattern, and / or trauma. Be mindful and aware, and very carefully clear those issues that arise. Chiron, which is still going retrograde until mid-December, supports deepest healing for these issues.
We want to stay calm, grounded and flexible. We need inner clarity about where we are on our spiritual path or we may easily get lost in the chaos or fall into stagnation.
The questions below will support you to finding your inner clarity. Take enough time to answer the questions in the exercise. Write down your answers. Be honest to yourself. You will clearly see where you are on your own path and what your next steps could be:
- How strong can I stay in my mastery despite what is happening on the outside with the lockdown?
- How is my reaction to the (2nd) lockdown and the restrictions?
- Am I acting out obedience patterns or do I keep activating my new freedom codes?
- How does one or the other show in my actions and reactions?
- Do I make the higher choices for my freedom or do I stay in fear?
- What resources and techniques do I have that can help me manage my conditions?
- Do I allow myself to take help or do I stay in stagnation and lack consciousness?
- Am I ready to dissolve my lack consciousness because it is clear to me that the law of abundance prevails in 5D?
- What fears and worries are arising?
- How do I feel about my reactions? (Byron Katie)
- Which of my personal stories do I still believe?
- Which of my personal stories are amplified or no longer work?
- Is it my own stories that I believe in or the narrative from outside?
- How do I feel about these stories?
- Does the outside narrative have anything to do with my personal and spiritual path?
- Are my reactions fear based? Are my actions heart based?
- What challenges do I face as a result of the (2nd) lockdown and how can I overcome them? Do I need help with this, and if so, from whom or how?
- How often do I become still, breathe and allow myself to feel?
- What do I do for self-care and to feel good, grounded and expand my awareness?
- How do I deal with revelations? Am I able to detach from what is revealed? Are there certain revelations I cannot detach from? Why and what do I have to look at and clear?
- How do I manage my energy in such situations? Do I feed my energy into it or do I manage to withdraw it, ground myself again and balance my field?
- Which of my old beliefs and programs are dropping off with the vanishing of the old story (due to revelations)?
- Which steps do I take to create my new and own structure while the old structure is dissolving?
The energies of the next few weeks support us for doing our inner work. Breakthroughs and paradigm shifts are possible. The dissolution of the old self is entering the next phase. Let's walk this path with as much ease and grace as possible.
..... read more in part 2 of the November Energy Report
May the humour be with you.
Many blessings