October ~ Energy Update

Blessings Beautiful Soul!

The new moon mid October brought in strong energies that are stirring up the chaos. We need a very strong and clear focus in order to hold our equilibrium, especially because the new moon energies will have an impact until the first week of November.

A good time to meditate and to realign yourself internally. Drink a lot of clean and activated water and go outside often to receive the new codes coming in from the sun.

Further support on how to take good care of your physical body can be found in the articleEine total, total verrückte Welt‘.

Many of us are feeling the outside stress and tension in their emotional body. It can trigger inner conflicts. In the current situation it can be difficult to implement plans and projects due to the ever-increasing control restrictions. We want one thing and are already on our way, and in the next moment it will be prohibited. Put simply, this stop and go pulls on the nerves and affects us all.

One key to stay calm and balanced is mindfulness and caution. Since we are aware of the energies and of what is going on behind the scenes, we can also deal with surprising twists and turns and manipulative maneuvers on the outside. We remain patient, we do not force anything, and we pay attention to the small and subtle signs.

Another key is how to properly deal with energetic missmatches. You don't need to be clairvoyant or clairaudient to notice them. Take care of your body. How does your body feel and what does it show you? If you suddenly feel no longer in harmony, relaxed or even uncomfortable in a situation, environment or with the surrounding people, than the frequencies are also not in alignment with your own frequency.

Sometimes the so-called obstacles in the way' can be a gift from your higher team to help you make a new choice. You just have to recognize the signs. Leave these inconsistent situations, environments etc ....., preferably immediately. Do not doubt that your original plan or idea was wrong. The place of execution might not be right, the timing or the people. Find a better place / time, etc., at which the frequencies are coherent and harmonize with your own frequency.

We cannot and do not want to adapt to lower frequencies anymore. Our bodies speak a clear language.

Let us also remember that since October 15th, Mercury is going retrograde. Plans and important decisions should be postponed. The overall energies are so unstable and the changes are so dynamic that it is helpful to stay as calm and aware as possible and to avoid any kind of conflict.

You can find more details in the Energy Report October including planetary influence until the end of the year.

Treat yourself with kindness and take some quiet time as often as you wish. Spend time in nature especially if you live in a big city. The collective fields of fear are so dense that we, highly sensitive light workers, have to keep our entire focus on our wellbeing.

I wish you a golden October.

Many Blessings