05 Oct Energy Report October
At the beginning of the month the strong full moon brought a palpable change in the energies. A new quality of balancing frequencies was anchored in the new light grid to stabilize them. In my vision it appeared like new golden beautiful geometries that hold the peace within the turmoil.
Earth was exhaling and the physical body could release the stress of the last weeks. This shift felt certainly welcome in the midst of these significant changes and chaos. It helps us to hold our focus on the highest outcome.
The up leveling of frequencies was also clearly felt by participants in the Energy Transmission on October 4th:
- "I am participating since 2014 and I usually need some time to groove myself in and feel the energies in the body. This time it was very different. I lay down and when it started it was a real 'bang' and my whole body started to vibrate like I was plugged into a supercharger. It felt fantastic! Indescribable! " Oliver, Vienna, Austria
The new balancing and nourishing frequencies help us to alleviate the ripple effect triggered by turmoil, chaos and fear of unprecedented proportion.
The ground has literally been pulled from under our feet, and we are currently working on a new foundation.
The amount of pain, fear and shock energy in the collective field affects the whole world and each of us. Remember that we are all connected and these energies are no longer locally limited.
We demanded this change for years. Now we're in the thick of it and we have to deal with the way it unfolds. Denial out of fear is not an option.
From my perception, this can be an important healing phase in order to really anchor our multidimensional selves in the body without maintaining any kind of separation at the same time. Living a spiritual life and denying physical human reality, which many have succeeded in doing so far, is no longer possible in this phase. The external conditions clearly show us what happens when folks try anyway. The time has come for humanity to truly grow up.
- The predicted October – November acceleration has started. The dissolving of the old structures, the unfolding of unpredictable events with sudden twists and turns, the revelations and the deceptions are increasing already. The line between not putting energy into the narrative and yet being aware of the unfoldments in the physical while moving forward in love and peace is very fine at this point. From my perception and the intel from my higher team the real standstill is yet to come.
Looking after, nourishing and caring for the body are important issues in October. Allowing enough rest, breaks and quiet time feels inevitable.
We are collecting our strength for the December-January passage, that will bring waves of light which most likely will alter our realities.
On an individual basis we have to ask ourselves which phase we are in personally?
Here it is important to make a distinction and to ask your own body:
- Are you in the process of integration or embodiment and currently just want to BE and withdraw from the outside activity? Are you experiencing powerful phases of creativity, enthusiasm and strength? Then go and create something new. Or are you stagnating because you let fear and control from outside take over and made it your inner 'boss'? The sooner you deal with your fears the better you can handle the current and upcoming frequencies and events.
Whatever phase you are in: it is OK. Neither of them are better or more advanced than the other. These are just labels and judgements.
Respect and acknowledge your own unique path and allow yourself to implement a new rhythm if you have not done that already: We can no longer be active for weeks and months without a break ~ that is the old way in the old light. As this dissolves, your body and mind will rebel if you cling to it.
Flexibility and new concepts especially for our service work are helpful to move forward.
Supported by Chiron still going retrograde, healing and transformation are central topics this month:
"Deep inner healing! Brand new levels of transformation. Remembering of very old wisdom and HUGE possibility for empowerment. Also wide and sudden emotional openings, can feel very unsettling or irritating for people who are not used to do their inner work and/or are newly awakened. Lightworker stabilize the collective field by staying in peace and quiet. For therapists of all kinds: heightened awareness concerning client's reactions. Pay attention to your inner guidance before you take on new clients: The price you pay, if it is not in the highest alignment to take them on (financial reasons, guilt...), will be high."
Go deep inside: Who do you want to be on a new level? How would you like to express this?
It is time to embody what you want to see in the world.
Everything that we see on the outside in lower constructs has arisen from our wounds inside. This is an uncomfortable truth for many. When you keep this in mind, you can develop deep understanding and compassion for others. And you can open your heart wide and look at people and events with divine neutrality.
Only in this way is it possible for us to build bridges, which would be one of our main tasks in order to overcome the deliberate division, isolation and loneliness of many people.
For the upcoming weeks and months it is important to speak our truth and to bring different knowledge, experiences and aspects to the conversation. More and more people are taking action and are demonstrating for peace and freedom for example. Taking action is wonderful.
If you've been silent for years, now it is a good time to start speaking your own truth FREE of fear, in neutrality, gentleness and joy.
It's about adding your energy to the bigger picture and thus changing the frequency of a conversation. It's not about convincing or controlling others. That doesn't work anyway and the boomerang effect will be very strong.
- It`s time to overcome old fear and to speak up. Our higher perspective should be presented to a larger community. It's about showing integrity and embodying it by making our voice audible.
The timelines are drifting further and further apart.
Does it feel extreme and exhausting to you? A gentle reminder of the message from the Pleiadians and Arcturians back in 2019: “Things could be much worse. Everything has been done to make the timelines you are experiencing much smoother, calmer and slower than they normally would have unfolded. This gives you the opportunity to become clear about the changes and transformations you want inside and on your planet. “
There is a lot going on at the higher levels. Those of you who are Channels of the higher realms will most likely find it more difficult to receive clear information. Because the timelines are shifting quickly and so much is in transformation and movement, clear predictions are often difficult to grasp. Be careful and ground yourself and your messages thoroughly before you publish them. If you do not feel the purity of the energy / message clearly then you better leave it - especially if you have little experience. The old techniques for Channeling (and other spiritual techniques) do not work in the new light. We are morphing into something new. This process takes some time, and we need to adjust our lives, service work and expressions to the New Earth energies. The changes are so rapid and unpredictable that it is necessary to carefully examine and reflect on what helps, what supports, what is pure before it is fed into the light grids. This is our responsibility.
Manifestation happens almost immediately and is further amplified. This is the quantum energy and the quality of the fifth dimension. Say after each of your thoughts and sentences: So it is! Then it becomes very clear to you what you are creating and you can correct it immediately if necessary.
October 16 ~ New Moon: Tensions increase. This new moon energy will last into November. Mindfulness is a key to dealing with surprising twists, turns and manipulative maneuvers.
October 15 to November 3 ~ Mercury retrograde: Plans are thrown overboard. It is wiser not to make any at all. Mindfulness in communication is key.
Until December 30 ~ Uranus retrograde: Increased intuition, awareness of freedom, independence, rebellious behavior, projects can come to a standstill (either because they are not in the interests of the highest good or because you are in the integration phase ~ see article ,Days of Embodiment'). Helpful to recognize restrictions and control mechanisms and to break new ground according to freedom consciousness
Until November 14 ~ Mars retrograde: Acceleration on all levels, change (attention sudden aggression flare up), Be patient. Work mindfully on projects, don't rush or push it.
Until November 29 ~ Neptune retrograde: Plans are thrown overboard. It is wiser not to make any at all. Mindfulness in Communication is key.
The new frequencies support our Higher Senses (clairvoyance, clear audience, clear sentience, clear cognizance...), and even for those who are newly awakening, the perception of dimensions, beings, realms and energies will increase in the next few weeks.
Much will unfold here and become visible and so-called paranormal events will become stronger. For us, this is normal anyway. And the fact that the 'absurd' is now the 'norm' can also be interesting and liberating.
If you've been around for a while and know the times when we were called weird, crazy or even dangerous, then it's worth a smile when we realize that things have turned around. Suddenly we appear completely normal. And the last thing we wanted was to be normal. Normal is stuffy. Stuffy is boring. And we certainly are not;-)
Let's live unity in diversity ~ and make sure we do some funny and crazy things! We will experience many surprises in the upcoming weeks. May the humor be with you!
Many Blessings