10 Feb Stinking fish & new shores
Blessings Beautiful Heart,
I hope my report reaches you with a smile in your heart. We need a good sense of humor to bring more lightness back into our lives and to master the coming chaotic weeks of significant changes.
After a powerful Snow Moon that brought with it new sapphire frequencies, we are again witnessing an acceleration in terms of the exposure of illusions, of false flags, of disclosure, the collapse of old structures and constructs, the collapse of state systems - especially in Germany as well as in a few other western countries.
At the same time, many of us are realigning themselves. Instead of remaining in fear of what (and who) collapses or dies, we can lovingly focus on what we want to create.
As I mentioned earlier, we will be supported by a dynamic wave of energy into early March.
From March 6th, a chaotic energy will be added, and all signals will be on total change. Until then, we will be able to easily stay on course. From March 6th onwards it will feel as if the wind (more like a gale) shifts its direction every 5 minutes and it most likely will happen so quick, that adjusting the course of the boat will be quite challenging.
This will intensify until the Spring Equinox.
So how do we deal with these coming transitions? We could hire a whole crew, each member would be responsible for one wind direction. However, that would be a veritable crowd on the small sailing boat with an unimaginable jostling, with the result that most of the crewmembers would probably simply fall overboard.
From my point of view and from the information I get from my higher team, what matters most is (figuratively speaking) that we "get our boats afloat".
This means that we shed all unnecessary ballast and also find the last stinking fish and hurl it overboard. The crewmembers should also be selected very carefully according to the motto: class instead of mass.
In other words, it is important to make a very careful analysis of discordant frequencies in one's personal life and environment.
The different timelines or worlds drifted very far apart by this point. It becomes not only painful but also (physically) dangerous if we engage in lower vibrations that don't match ours and if we resist changing, growing and shifting.
For example: In practical terms, it can mean physical harm for healers and therapists etc. when working with clients who do not want to take responsibility for themselves but only want to unload, get cleared or get rid of something. That would be such a stinking fish that desperately wants to be thrown overboard. The price for this fish is simply too high.
Without that old cargo, we can explore new waters where we feel more comfortable and meet like-minded sailors.
The situation is similar in your private life as well as with colleagues and cooperation partners in the professional area.
You can find more support on this topic in the articles Higher Octaves of New Light and Klar zur Wende
The preparations for the period up to March 6th are crucial. Our Higher Self is a dynamic and intelligent energy that constantly wants to expand and grow. Give your Higher Self more space and power, let it be the captain of your sailingship.
Our lower self will cling so fearfully to the rudder that it can only sail stoically straight ahead into chaos - whereas the Higher Self is flexible and sails gracefully with the wind and current. Trust it, and you will experience much lightness on your path.
May the humour be with you,
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