After the first quieter weeks of the year, although they may not have felt that way for you, the energy is now ramping up. We will receive the first really big energy boost for 2025 on February 24th when Mars leaves its decline.

In diesen ersten Wochen des Jahres halte ich mich viel in der Natur auf und arbeite jetzt wieder an meinem Sirianischen Sternentor, der Feenhaube in Österreich. Das war wettertechnisch eine echte...

The acceleration in frequency, energy and time is causing this start of the New Year to be a different experience as you might be able to confirm already.....

Sparkling and radiant energies permeate the field alongside many good intentions: take a moment to visualize the best possible year for yourself and everyone. May the genuine desires of your hearts come true....

This article contains a flying change, talking trees, personal news and energy updates! Let's get started: Pluto retrograde taught us to find or strengthen our true integrity, our inner balance and peace, as well as access to our primal power and our self-trust, while on the outside.....

The annular solar eclipse is just around the corner. It will take place tomorrow at 8.45 p.m. CET (UTC+1) and will be visible in Eastern Pacific, in West Antarctica to the South Pole, in southern South America and in a coastal strip of Mexico.

The speed and unpredictability of the changes and frequency shifts in September and October demand two things from us above all: QUICK DECISIONS & IMMEDIATE IMPLEMENTATION!....

The next significant energy shift lies ahead of us, starting next weekend and continuing for several weeks. It will now be very turbulent on the outside and we are called upon to ....

The current time feels like riding a rollercoaster. This ride can be a pure pleasure if you are fearless, laughing and shouting out loud with joy, raising your arms stretched in the air.

Originally I had intended to write a short energy report. Due to the intensity of the frequencies and events though, it has now become an in-depth article with the following content.....

Es geht hoch her im Spitzenrestaurant und die Speisekarte war und bleibt interessant. Wenn Du bei der Restauranteröffnung im letzten Artikel nicht dabei warst, dann kannst Du die Infos HIER nachlesen. Ich möchte...

Als ich Ende letzten Jahres die Vorhersagen für 2024 channelte, kristallisierte sich ein "Überbegriff" heraus: Beschleunigung. Zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt möchte ich das korrigieren in: beschleunigte Beschleunigung! Natürlich ist dies "doppelt gemoppelt" -...

My time in Mt. Shasta went by so quickly that it seems almost surreal now that I'm back in Berlin. This state reflects the dynamic change that we observe within ourselves on the one hand and that is taking place on the outside at the same time....

As promised, I'm back with an energy update from Mount Shasta. Once again, the Pleiadians proved to be excellent travel guides (I can highly recommend them)....

Blessings Beautiful Heart, we have made it through the first eye of the needle this year! The significant frequency shift with the full moon and the special event on Saturday, January the 27th when .....

Wir haben es durch das Nadelöhr geschafft: die partielle Mondfinsternis brachte einen gewaltigen Energieschub mit den unterschiedlichsten Auswirkungen. Im Innen sowie im Außen hat die Demontage sämtlicher Verzerrungen noch mehr Fahrt...

Today at 8:31 pm CET (UTC+1) we experience the first full moon in August. Just like the second full moon (on August 31, 2023 at 03:35 am CET = UTC+1) within this month, today's is a super moon.

There are only a few days left until the summer solstice on June 21st. The week before, the energy already increased significantly, and this is accompanied, as usual, by geomagnetic storms and .....

On May 5, we will experience the next celestial event this year: the penumbral lunar eclipse. It is directly related to the solar eclipse of April 19-20. The eclipse ushered in the implementation phase of ....

After a strong spring equinox and a powerful new moon, Pluto re-entered the sign Aquarius on March 23 again after 248 years. This heralds the time of total change, in the sense that .....

With the first Full Moon in January and the Stargate Passage (Jan. 22-29) higher octaves of new light are streaming into Gaia's realms creating new energetic geometries ...

2023 ist das Jahr der unendlichen Möglichkeiten. Es ist ein 7er Jahr voller Mystik und starken fließenden Energien. Diese Energien werden in bestimmten Phasen sehr dynamisch werden. Dieses Jahr wird von dem...

December is just around the corner, the last weeks of this intense year 2022. The acceleration of time is clearly noticeable. When I received the message from my Light~Team......

Blessings Beautiful Heart, I hope my mail finds you with a smile in your heart. Now we are already in the middle of the "Hot Autumn" and it will get even hotter in the next weeks! It is a phase where many things happen at the same time....

What' exciting and wild weeks are already behind and still ahead of us. Although the year 2022 still has 3 months to go, it already feels 'energetically' complete. There are a number of reasons for this....

Let us enjoy these days until the Fall Equinox on September 23rd (or Spring Equinox - depending on where you are on the globe) by pausing to evaluate the last six months ~ because the autumn is gonna be turbulent!....

this is a brief update on the extreme energy shift we are experiencing right now: A tremendous amount of energy is currently reaching our earth system. The sun erupts very strongly with several flares and an unusual corona hole is appearing at ....

Today, on July 26th, a new galactic year begins. At the same time, a potent window opens to create the new. This window also includes the Lion's Gate on 8.8.22.....

The first half of the year went by quickly, and it feels like we are racing at the speed of light towards the great summer upheaval that will begin at the end of July and continue through August....

Blessings Beautiful Heart, die totale Mondfinsternis brachte uns die dritte Welle wunderbarer Energien und Lichtcodes, neue Farben und Geometrien. Diese Welle brachte uns auf eine völlig neue Ebene (wenn wir es wollten)...

Tomorrow we will experience the Spring Equinox, one of the most important events this year ~ on March 20 at 4:33 pm CET (UCT+1).....

Blessings Beautiful Heart, we are already half way through this magical month, now the last significant portal is upon us: The 222222 portal ...

Blessings Beautiful Heart, since January, we are carried by a constant wave of energy that will become even stronger in February. Solar activity is high and...

In my previous article "Retrospect and Creation 2022" I showed a way for you to say goodbye to the old year, and lay the foundation for the New Year 2022. We are training .....

A turbulent year that has presented us with numerous challenges comes to an end. We say Goodbye to 2021 and welcome a New Year. I always use the days around the turn of the year to .....

Blessings Beautiful Heart, these weeks, from the Partial Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon on November 19th, have been intense, pushing some of us to our limits. As I described earlier ....

Since August, and especially since the full Moon on 8/22, we have been experiencing significant frequency amplification. Many people are going through fundamental changes within and on their spiritual path.....

The Lion's Gate ushered in a period of personal renewal for many. We receive tips and clues for change throughout the whole month of August....

Neptune’s strong influence on dynamic dissolution in July will continue in August and increase significantly from Aug. 20 on, when Uranus turns retrograde....

Blessings Beautiful Heart, I hope this article finds you with a smile in your heart! After an intense beginning of the month, tomorrow we reach the first peak: it's New Moon. At the same time, this day also concludes the eclipse and solstice passage. The processes of dissolution and revelation have again taken on a stronger dynamic....

I hope this article finds you with a smile in your heart! As July is going to be a turbulent month, let's put all our focus on joy....

After a period of deepest clearing and healing, we are ready for the next energy wave: the Summer Solstice on June 21. The passage (June 18-22) opend yesterday, and new diamond light codes will stream from the Sun to the Earth during the next few days....

Since the last two new moons in April and May the strongest frequencies ever hit the earth through the wide-open star gates. As solar activity is also constantly increasing, we are experiencing further acceleration and intensification on all levels....

The weather during this month of April remind me of my childhood: it is literally real April weather again here in Germany ~ THANKS to the absence of chemtrails....

The energies are intensifying and continuing to build up like a big wave right before the equinox. We can feel and see it. Now it's time to take a deep breath, keep calm and stay balanced....

The first weeks of March have brought us many geomagnetic storms as well as spikes of the Schumann Resonance, which has a direct influence on the Earth's magnetic grids and thus also on our bodies. All of this serves ....

After a very strong full moon we already clearly feel the next energy wave, which will reach its peak at the spring equinox in March. The new level, which became accessible and palpable for us in the last weeks...

THE BIGGER PICTURE ~Throughout the month of February, we get an idea of what the so-called lived Aquarius energies really mean in this new age....

The first weeks of the year provided strong light codes and activations, which are affecting our physical body, our mind and our feelings in an intense way. We have the deep inner desire for positive change and take creative steps, so they can materialize on the outside.

Since 2020 and through the New Year brand new energies are available for us. Seeing and feeling them is a truly magical experience. Purest plasma that brings new geometries and a new color spectrum is flowing to earth like liquid starlight.....

I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. The center of my Universe is the Threefold Flame in my Heart. Within my Heart Flame, I have the ability ......

FOCUS AND INNER BALANCE ~ How can we stay balanced and hold our focus on love, peace and ascension? In order to keep our inner balance, we need to learn to master our emotions like adults.

There is much to say about the November energies. A challenging and exciting month has started. The cosmic activities increase and become visible. We are in the hot phase of fundamental change in our realities.

The Pleiadians say: 'You have entered the hot phase of 2020. Further very big surprises await you in the upcoming weeks.' All Saints' Day and the Full Moon are just around the corner as well as some of the most important ritual days for ....

The new moon mid October brought in strong energies that are stirring up the chaos. We need a very strong and clear focus in order to hold our equilibrium, especially because the new moon energies will have an impact until the first week of November.

At the beginning of the month the strong full moon brought a palpable change in the energies. A new quality of balancing frequencies was anchored in the new light grid to stabilize them. In my vision it appeared like new golden beautiful geometries that hold the peace within the turmoil.

Blessings Beautiful Soul, we just completed the intensified August passages and can already feel the energetic pull of the Equinox in September. The frequencies still act like a laser and deepen the levels of transformation and embodiment .....

2020 carries the energy of clarity. We all see, feel and testify to it. On the outside as well as on the inside. We are still in the August passages with an intensified frequency influx. The frequencies act like a laser. They intensify the dance of light and shadow. They also deepen the levels of transformation and soul embodiment for many of us....

Blessings Beautiful Soul, After the strong triple eclipse passage we are now entering a period of intense magnetic shifts while the timelines are drifting apart. We need some time for integration and also to embrace and understand which gifts, visions and activations the triple eclipse presented.

ECLIPSE FINALE & NEW LEVEL OF REALITY We are in the final phase of the triple eclipse passage. Since the summer solstice and the solar eclipse with the ring of fire, we feel and see the next wave of deepest revelation and transformation.

We can already feel and witness the new energies of the triple eclipse passage intensively although the first partial moon eclipse will only happen on June 5th. The amplified photon light of the great central sun (Alcyone in the Pleiades) is already streaming ....

Since last week completely new frequencies are pouring on the earth and this influx continues until around the middle of this week. In May, we expect ....

I hope this message reaches you healthy and with a smile in your heart, while you radiate love, peace and tranquility in your service as light keeper and guide for others. This is the time to stand up for freedom and create change....

STARCODES AND LOVE FREQUENCIES ~ Since the 2222 passage, completely new energies are available for us. The frequencies that we experienced during the Energy Transmission on that day (Sunday, February 2nd) and that we are receiving since that day are unique.....

  2222 PORTAL: INVITE THE MAGIC INTO YOUR LIFE Since the winter solstice and the eclipses we have been transitioned through a profound period of changes and activations. Our inner transformations are fundamental, very quick and so deep that it takes a lot of patience, openness, awareness ....

2020 YEAR OF CHANGE ENERGY REPORT JANUARY   Happy New Year Beautiful Soul,   we are still integrating the new frequencies and activations from December. Many have experienced the 'ascension flu', the body needed rest...

Mit einer intensiven Sommersonnenwende und Mond Eklipse und zahlreichen Aktivierungen durch Lichtgitterarbeiter und Portalhüter sowie den erneuten Frequenzanhebungen wurden für alle nun kristalline Freiheitscodes freigesetzt. Dies bedeutet, dass es eine nie...

Mit einer intensiven Sommersonnenwende und Mond Eklipse und zahlreichen Aktivierungen durch Lichtgitterarbeiter und Portalhüter sowie den erneuten Frequenzanhebungen wurden für alle nun kristalline Freiheitscodes freigesetzt. Dies bedeutet, dass es eine nie...

Der Monat Juni war auch in diesem Jahr ein Spielmacher, der uns bei freier Wahl und Eigen-Engagement auf die nächste Ebene katapultiert hat. Die kraftvollen Sommer-Sonnenwend-Passage bringt uns sirianische Frequenzen mit...

SELBSTERMÄCHTIGUNG IST AUCH DIE ABWESENHEIT DER ILLUSION Durch jeden Einzelnen von uns wird die Erde neu geboren - in Stille, in Frieden und durch PURE Präsenz. Simplizität ist ein Zustand des...

Nach dem Equinox am 20. März und anschließendem Vollmond, wo starke ausgleichende Frequenzen freigesetzt wurden, sind wir nun mitten in einer Phase der Umstrukturierung auf allen Ebenen und in allen...

Wir achten das Jahr 2018 und seinen Ausklang, halten Rückschau und sind dankbar für jede Erfahrung, die wir gewählt haben. Auch spüren wir bereits die neuen Frequenzen des Neuen Erdenjahres,...

With the beginning of September the strongest download of frequencies in decades has been started. The first waves of light that we received earlier this year hit ...

For sure it isn’t easy to be incarnated in this time since we are forced to question pretty much everything. In a new channeling the Pleiadians indicated that ....

We are completing the year 2015 on earth - a year of powerful influxes of Celestial Light and Gamma Rays from the Cosmos, miraculous healings and profound shifts of consciousness for many of us.